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凤凰带回到了2001年作为永久低音。In 2001 Phoenix rejoined the band as their permanent bassist.

举例来说,一个站在舞台后部的左边,而且也唱的低音乐器演奏者。For example, a bassist who stands upstage left and sings as well.

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乐队创始人,贝司手和作曲家史蒂夫哈里斯导演。The band is directed by founder, bassist and songwriter Steve Harris.

现在世界上弹奏9-13弦贝司的演奏家越来越多了。There is a growing number of 9-13 string bassist out here in the world.

该剧本的作者是平克弗洛伊德主唱和贝斯手罗杰沃特斯。The screenplay was written by Pink Floyd vocalist and bassist Roger Waters.

茹氏拥有6年乐队表演经验,曾于乐队中担任结他手、低音结他手及主唱。He has 6 years experience in band performance and has taken various roles ranging from guitarist, bassist to singer.

贝斯手澪做了一个小的,致命的错误,失去了她的火,在那一天她浪费了的胜利和红宝石项链。The bassist Mio made one small, fatal error and lost her fire, costing her the victory and the Ruby Necklace that day.

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锋利的眼睛将捕捉到福音贝斯手莫里斯杰拉德和坎贝尔上升歌手杰西偶然信贷。The sharp eye will catch the occasional credit to Gospel bassist Maurice Fitzgerald and rising vocalist Jesse Campbell.

杰夫、查克、塞布和皮埃尔是高中同学,他们最终成立了乐队,但需要一个新贝斯手。Jeff, Chuck, Seb, and Pierre all went to the same high school. They eventually formed a band, but they needed a new bassist.

遗憾的是,由于管理上的问题,随着贝斯手钟成达和鼓手陈冠宇的离开,乐队于2003年解散。Unfortunately, due to management problems, the band broke up in 2003 when bassist Zhong Chengda and drummer Chen Guanyu quit.

乐队最初由主唱迈克尔·斯泰普、吉他手皮特·巴克、贝斯手麦克·米尔斯和鼓手比尔·贝利组成。R. E. M. The band originally consisted of lead singer Michael Stapp, guitarist Peter buck, bassist Mike Mills and drummer Bill Bailey.

匿名者因为攻击一系列网站如科学论派教会和摇滚乐队Kiss的贝斯手吉恩西蒙斯而名声大振。Anonymous rose to fame with a series of attacks on websites linked to the Church of Scientology and Gene Simmons, bassist with the rock group Kiss.

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这张专辑后,贝斯手安迪标志起到抗旗EP北美吸,但不久后,因为他们不能得到作为一个乐队一起离开。After this album, bassist Andy Flag played with Anti-Flag on their EP North America Sucks, but left soon after as they couldn't get along as a band.

在2000年年中安格拉分裂,与声乐家安德烈马托斯和整个节奏部分,贝司手和鼓手路易斯马留蒂里卡多Confessori分道扬镳。During mid 2000 Angra split, parting ways with vocalist André Matos and its entire rhythm section, bassist Luis Mariutti and drummer Ricardo Confessori.

披头士乐队的四位成员--主吉他手乔治·哈�森、节奏吉他手约翰·列侬、贝斯手保罗·迈卡特尼和鼓手林格·斯达都出现在专辑封面上。The Beatles -- lead guitarist George Harrison, rhythm guitarist John Lennon, bassist Paul McCartney and drummer Ringo Starr -- appear on the album covers.

它具有德埃德埃的“梦乐队,”钢琴家组成埃兹尔戈麦斯,贝斯手基督教麦克布赖德,鼓手刘易斯纳什,詹姆斯卡特在萨克斯,长笛,单簧管。It features Dee Dee's "dream band, " comprised of pianist Edsel Gomez, bassist Christian McBride, drummer Lewis Nash, and James Carter on saxophone, flute and clarinet.

吉他手理查德·汤普森把贝斯手戴夫·佩吉和鼓手戴夫·马特克斯一并带来,并仍担任第一张专辑的中演奏角色,同时约翰·卡尔提供了钢琴和金属键琴的演奏。Reprising his role on the first album, guitarist Richard Thompson roped in bassist Dave Pegg and drummer Dave Mattacks, while John Cale provided both piano and celeste.

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马尔丁死于2006年夏天,在他缺席的情况下,道琼斯记录还为时不晚在家庭工作室,她同她的合作者,贝斯手和男友李亚历山大。Mardin died in the summer of 2006, and in his absence, Jones recorded Not Too Late at the home studio she shares with her collaborator, bassist and boyfriend Lee Alexander.

这个以主唱阿信、吉他手怪兽与石头、贝斯手玛莎、和鼓手冠佑为卖点的另类摇滚乐团,打算让这部影片于明年初在全亚洲的戏院上映。The alternative rock band, featuring vocalist Ashin, guitarists Monster and Stone, bassist Masa, and drummer Guan You, aims to release the film in theaters all across Asia early next year.

然后,当贝斯手罗杰·沃特斯,键盘理查德·怀特和鼓手尼克·曼森向更远的空间发展时,歌曲作者很明显的为把握音乐而努力,在思想上也是一样。However, the songwriter was clearly fighting for control of the music, as well as his mind, as bassist Roger Waters, pianist Richard Wright and Drummer Nick Manson pushed for further space travel.