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他通晓世界史。He is conversant in world history.

我们的经理懂得管帐轨制。Our manager is conversant with account system.

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熟知紧急疏散和消防工作程序。Conversant with emergency evacuation fire procedures.

关于这个新型燃料转换器的工作原理我不太熟悉,是什么引起的转变?I’m not conversant with the theory behind this new fuel converter.

这位指挥对乐队的各种乐器都很精通。The conductor is conversant with all of the instruments of the orchestra.

他所熟悉的格尔孔达就是这样,就在这样的烈焰中烤化了自己的手指!What a Golconda is he conversant with, thawing his fingers over such a blaze!

熟悉雅高忠诚计划,和常飞卡计划以及其优惠政策。Is conversant with all Accor Loyalty Program, Frequent Flyer programs and benefits.

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我也不知道,对年轻人来说,刮胡子给旁人一个干净的面孔会显得平易近人。I don't know, Youthfulness, shaving presents a clean face to the onlooker, conversant.

马大夫是法国人,可以说流利的英语和汉语。Tremblay is a native French speaker, fluent English speaker and is conversant in Mandarin.

现在,大学生很容易就可以完全熟悉并且学习接受这些思想。Today, undergraduates are fully conversant with those ideas and learn to apply them quite easily.

个性开朗、精通各种秘书技能,包括打字和文字处理操作。Cheerful person, conversant with all secretarial skills including typing, operating wordprocessor.

确保将熟悉新技术所需的时间也包括进来。Be sure to include in your estimate the time involved in becoming conversant with the new technology.

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对于不熟悉华尔街这个小圈子的人来说,这种出乎意料的变化可能让他们不快。This is probably an unwelcome surprise to those not conversant with the narrow byways of Wall Street.

BPMN给业务使用者提供了类似流程图的体验,一种他们所熟悉的隐喻。BPMN provides business audiences flow-chart like experience, a metaphor that they are conversant with.

那些熟悉并已适应了面向对象编程的人员将发现它是一个理想环境。Those who are conversant and comfortable with object-oriented programming will find it an ideal environment.

普通人需要知道什么信息是可利用的,并且他们需要训练的是精通它。Ordinary people need to know what information is available, and they need the training to be conversant in it.

那些不熟悉语言符号的人会认为这是被发明成像世界语和莫尔斯电码类似的一种沟通形式。Those not conversant in Sign may suppose that it's an invented form of communication like Esperanto or Morse code.

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在表明你已经表达过某个观点并且想要再次强调的时候,这个句型非常有用。It's great for showing that you've already expressed something and you want to emphasize that point to you are conversant.

本函署名人曾在武汉亲自参加上述合同的谈判,因此对此事的细节非常熟悉。The under signed himself negotiated the said contract in Wuhan and is therefore fully conversant with the details of the case.

做品牌包括定位和情感的激发,如果你不熟悉浪漫的语言,你就做不到。Branding involves the location and arousal of affection, and you can’t do it unless you are conversant in the language of romance.