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这是激烈的。This is intense.

呈深重的红宝石色。Intense ruby-red color.

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当时的情况很紧急。So it was pretty intense.

每次给小孩子剪头发都是一次紧张的经验。It's an intense experience.

这是一段挺紧张的经历。It was an intense experience.

那寂静是种强烈的哮吼。The silence was an intense roar.

深红的色泽泛着紫罗兰色的光晕。Intense red color with violet tones.

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搜捕工作变得更加紧张。The manhunt has become more intense.

它没有法博齐那本书那么难It's not as intense as Fabozzi, et al.

这款长相思霞多丽有着深黄的颜色。Our Blend has an intense yellow color.

能量会原来的四倍多。Energy will be four times more intense.

此刻他心里大有一种强烈的未足之感。Now he felt an intense dissatisfaction.

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深宝石红色掩映着紫罗兰色光泽。Intense ruby red color with violet hues.

也许不深,却激烈而湍急Perchance not deep, but intense and rapid

为甚麽瓷器要经过强烈的猛火呢?Why does it go through that intense fire?

深沉的石榴红色酒体,边缘呈樱桃般的迷人色泽。Intense garnet in color with a cherry rim.

打开壶盖,一股浓烈的汽油味扑面而来。Open the lid, an intense gasoline blowing.

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我看得出来,他是一个坐不住的人。I could see that. He's a pretty intense guy.

离开西部地区是多么难舍的分别呀。Leaving the west is such an intense parting.

一晚上都能听到激烈的枪炮声。One night, the intense gunfire can be heard.