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一首海洋之歌甜美而清晰噜噜。A sea song sweet and clear Loo loo.

基本上生活环境中只剩下你、你的厕所还有你的晨衣。Basically, it’s you, your loo and your dressing gown.

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很难想象一个厕所有如此优美的风景。It's hard to imagine a loo with a more beautiful view.

我们知道,,酒精让你去厕所的次数比平常更多。We know that alcohol makes you go to the loo more than usual.

这次关于马桶的对话,是我们宾主关系的转折点。The loo conversation was a turning point in our landlord-tenant relationship.

并通过留一交叉验证,确认其具有稳定的泛化性能。And by LOO Cross-validation confirms its generalization performance is stable.

但冲水式厕所在贫民窟里不太实际,那里只有雨水才能起冲刷作用。But a flush loo is no option in slums where rain is the only form of flushing.

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有时候,如果他加入一个队伍,他只在吃饭和上厕所的时候才有片刻停息。Sometimes if he's locked into a group he'll break only to eat and visit the loo.

你注意到的第一件事就是在你的浴室里堆放着厚厚一叠手纸。One of the first things you notice is how much loo paper there is in your bathroom.

通过最速下降法求LOO上界的极小点来确定核参数是一种新的核参数选择方法。Usually, the steepest descent algorithm is used to find the minimum of LOO upper-bound.

宇航员维修厕所时对接的奋进号航天飞机提供了一个临时厕所。The docked shuttle Endeavour provided a temporary loo as astronauts repaired the toilet.

每个绒毛看起来像一把“马桶刷”,而每个“阀门”则像一个“长钉”,Rind说。Each fuzzy hair looked like a "loo brush," said Rind, while every spigot resembled a "small spike."

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当时我在伦敦金融城拿著高薪,但我憎恨这份工作,大多数时间都是在洗手间�哭鼻子。I was earning a lot of money inthe City, hated the job and spent much of my time crying in the loo.

作为备选方案,你也可以在洗手间更衣,那就要冒将衬衫链扣或钱包掉进马桶的风险。Alternatively, you can change in the loo and risk dropping your cufflinks or clutch purse down the U-bend.

我怀疑他的顾客最后都会变成诉讼人,告他让他们需要出出入入去厕所30年时间。I doubt any of his super high end clients of the last, say 30 years need to go outside and back in to the loo.

而且这对那些水暖制造商商来说简直就是一笔横财,他们正企图从这个世界上最大的厕所市场上获取一席之地。And it has been a bonanza for plumbing manufacturers, which are vying for a piece of the world's largest loo market.

是到了撞伤那些滑动动物的时候了。在抽水马桶坐位上坐下来之前要先检查一下,而且要把酥酪藏在冰箱里。It's time to bang those slippers, check the loo seat before sitting down, and hide the curds and whey in the fridge.

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物理治疗师的房间里没有厕所,而维拉移动区又实在太远。那么裁判室又如何?There was no loo in the physio's room, and the Villa changing area was well out of bounds. What about using the referee's room?

新西兰法律规定,在人权法之下,女性等候上洗手间的时间不应该超过三分钟。New Zealand has ruled that under human-rights legislation, no woman should have to wait more than three minutes to go to the loo.

这个软件相信我们所有人都是通过朋友联系在一起的,于是很有可能泛起两个目生人实在与统一个人是朋友的情况。It's based on the fact that we're all connected through friends of friends which turns a stranger's loo into a friend-of-friend's loo.