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因为缺乏强制力There's no enforcement.

执行是个大麻烦。The big problem is enforcement.

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但你的文明执法?But your civilization law enforcement?

加强执法监督力度。Strengthen law enforcement surveillance.

执法人员没有受伤。No law enforcement officers were injured.

第一部分民事执行权的性质。Part One Nature of Civil Enforcement Power.

只有这样,执法才能在财政上自给自足。Then, enforcement could become self-financing.

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FSF避而不谈讨执行方案。The FSF shies away from discussing enforcement.

因此该新中心将不具有法律执行功能。The new center will have no law enforcement function.

最后,执法者必须与勾结串通决裂。Finally, law enforcement must crack down on collusion.

他是执法人员里很少见的…And he was the rarest breed of iaw enforcement officer.

这里有许多人不相信执法机关。There are a lot of people who distrust law enforcement.

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处理事件的时候也可能出现实施点。An enforcement point can also occur when processing events.

只有如许,执法才气在财务上自力更生。Then, nike air 90, enforcement could become self-financing.

防火墙允许增强对域的封装。Firewalls allow for enforcement of the domain encapsulation.

公正执法是人民警察执法活动追求的目标和价值。Justice is the target and value of police's law enforcement.

NCIS特工属于有武装的联邦执法调查员。NCIS agents are armed federal law enforcement investigators.

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中国派遣海监船加强在相关海域执法活动。China enhances law enforcement activities in relevant waters.

这个流程关心的是策略的设计和执行。This process concerns the design and enforcement of policies.

执法部门来找我们,他们说,玛丽,我们有一个案子。Law enforcement comes to us, and they say, we have a case, Mary.