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犯罪是预谋好的。The crime was premeditated.

摧毁马尔戴克是有预谋的。The destruction of Maldek was premeditated.

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我们需要知道的是这一犯罪行为是否经过事先策划过。We needed to know whether the crime had been premeditated.

但是,我们不认为这场欺骗是预谋好的。We do not think the deceptions were premeditated , however.

这显然是有预谋的压制反对派声音的企图。This was clearly a premeditated attempt to silence opposition voices.

“看来,”莫雷尔说,“我懂了,刚才这场争吵是有预谋的。”"Then, " said Morrel, "I understand it all, and this scene was premeditated.

整个案情似乎很清楚,沃尔德鲁普的行为是故意和有预谋的。It seemed clear to them that Waldroup's actions were intentional and premeditated.

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邓玉娇的支持者担心这就有意暗示杀人行为从某种角度讲是有预谋的。Her backers fear that is intended to imply that the act was in some way premeditated.

有一个世界的区别简单的人为错误和有预谋的恶意。There is a world of difference between simple human error and premeditated malevolence.

现在皮斯托瑞斯被指控在情人节预谋枪杀斯廷坎普。Now he was charged with premeditated murdering, Steenkamp's shooting death valentine's day.

但是,这个显而易见的“激情犯罪”中,也许包含着更多的邪恶和阴谋?But could this apparent 'crime of passion' have been something more evil and premeditated altogether?

这位男子在其情人的丈夫死亡案中被指控一级谋杀,即事先策化好的谋杀。The man was charged with first-degree murder, a premeditated murder, in the death of his lover's husband.

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不过在中国市场的一些观察者看来,这似乎更证明了这个事件的蓄谋已久。However looks like in Chinese market's some viewers, this as if has proven this event's long premeditated.

即使我们不那么公正的法律制度也承认有预谋的谋杀和意外杀生之间的区别。Even our unjust legal system recognizes the difference between a premeditated murder and an accidental killing.

我一向喜欢戳穿人家的诡计,作弄一下那些存心想要蔑视我的人。I always delight in overthrowing those kind of schemes, and cheating a person of his premeditated contempt for me.

兄弟财物。须有借有还。如有存心吞没者死于万刀之下。Brother possessions. Must have borrow have also. If there is any premeditated engulf the die under million dollars.

后来我发现,这个女生在我离开第二天就开始约会其它人了,我肯定这是她预先计划好的。I later found out that she started dating someone the day after I left, which I believed was her premeditated plan.

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五月七日,宣布格林终身监禁的陪审团指控其17项罪行,包括预先策划谋杀.On May 7, the same jury that issued the life sentence convicted Mr. Green on 17 counts, including premeditated murder.

阿诺德·皮斯托利斯说,南非检察官有法医证据可排除预谋杀人的可能。Arnold Pistorious said the South African prosecutors own forensic evidence refuted the possibility of a premeditated murder.

以色列军队北方司令部负责人表示军队已经在黎巴嫩士兵的“预谋”伏击中遭殃。The head of the Israeli army's northern command said troops had been caught in a "premeditated" ambush by Lebanese soldiers.