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她是一个有天赋的高尔夫球手.She is a gifted golfer.

他是个有天资的音于封。He is a gifted musician.

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她是一个天才的舞蹈家。She is a gifted terpsichorean.

她似乎在这方面是天才。She seemed to be gifted at it.

他是个很有天赋的作曲家。He is a highly gifted composer.

他天生一副好嗓子。He was gifted with a good voice.

他天生具有罕见的口才。He is gifted with rare eloquence.

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曾经有一个天才射手。There was once a gifted marksman.

我们将制胜之球送给了巴勒莫。We gifted Palermo the winning goal.

霍布斯是一个有天赋的古典学者。Hobbes was a gifted classical scholar.

她是教资优儿童的数学老师。She is a math teacher for gifted children.

怪杰罗丝雷朵与花之传说!The Gifted Roserade and the Flower Legend!

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你就是我的优乐美。You are my gifted musicians United States.

很多成天忧心忡忡的人天生富有想象力。Many worriers are gifted with imaginations.

他们不可能每个人都具有语言天赋吧?They can’t just all be gifted at languages.

那笑的真是一脸灿烂。What that smiled is really one face gifted.

危急存亡之际常能产生天才的领袖。Great crises often call forth gifted leaders.

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读书破万卷,下笔如有神。He owns a gifted pen, who reads tremendously.

是一名出色的提升疗愈者。Henrik Westberg is a gifted healer of ascension.

她父亲在花园管理方面一直都是很有才华的。Her father had always been gifted in the garden.