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我感觉很麻木.I feel numb.

我觉得舌头有点麻麻的。My tongue feels numb.

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她因悲伤而茫然失措。She was numb with grief.

我不只在工作中麻木。I wasn’t just numb at work.

你只需拍电影时麻木一会。You just get numb after a while.

这东西又麻又辣,我的嘴唇都麻了。It's so spicy. My lips went numb.

我的鼻子是冷的,脚趾没感觉。My nose is cold, my toes are numb.

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但它同时也会导致你对性的麻木。But it can also numb your sex drive.

感情缺乏控制,感觉麻木。Feeling lack of control, feeling numb.

恐怕情圣也该麻木了。I am afraid My Lover should also numb.

杰夫回到家,为被怀疑而茫然若失。Jeff returned home numb with disbelief.

天太冷,我的脚都冻木了。It's freezing, my feet are numb with cold.

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我的手和指头发麻木,还有刺痛。My hands and fingers are numb and tingling.

当她的爸爸听到这个消息后,他呆住了。When her father heard the news, he went numb.

爆炸的声音震得他耳根发麻。The noise of the explosion made his ears numb.

假如我走超过10分钟的话我会觉得麻麻的。I feel numb if I walk for more than 10 minutes.

“麻醉”的意思是“使对痛麻木”吗?Does " anesthetize " mean " make numb to pain " ?

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黑青,黑青,黑一块紫一块,打到我麻木。Black, black, black and blue, beat me til Im numb.

全部感情都离我而去,我是空洞旳。I am numb and empty for all my feelings have gone.

我的心一点也不痛,而是早已痛的麻木了。My heart is not pain, but pain has long been numb.