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她在一次攀登事故中折断了脊梁骨。The accident is a salutary reminder of the danger of climbing.

我们只能希望这本书引发是一场同样有益的争论。One can only hope that the result will be an equally salutary debate.

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对于我们追逐散漫的信息碎片的行为,这是个有益的警告。As we chase after flickering bits of information, it's a salutary warning.

目的调查都江堰疗养地气候疗养因子情况。Objectives To investigate the climatic salutary factors in Dujiangyan salutarium.

疫苗的获得过程是我们在医疗不平等现状中获得的一个有益教训。The process of acquiring a vaccine is already a salutary lesson in health inequality.

许多研究显示,感受大自然中带来的有益影响并不需要你很多时间。The salutary effects of time in nature don't always require free play, many studies show.

第一个报告是个有益的提醒,说明传染病能够搭乘飞机四处传播。The first was a salutary reminder that infectious disease can hitch a plane ride anywhere.

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美国人生活中最显著而又有益的事情莫过于对法律的广泛研究了。One of the most striking and salutary thing in Ameican life is the widespread study of law.

一个瑜伽修炼者,应该控制自己,饮食有益适中,练习调息。A yogi, should master himself eat salutary and moderate food, as well as practice pranayama.

他的挑战是有益的,但是同大多数修正主义者一样,Morozov过分夸张了相反的方向。His challenge is salutary but, like most revisionists, Morozov exaggerates in the opposite direction.

这对你是十分有益的,这也会让你明白自己的问题在哪儿并指引你解决它们。It can be very salutary and indicate to you where your troubles lie are and galvanize you to mend them.

梅格,在她去访问了一些时髦的朋友并第一次尝到了“名利场”的味道以后,也从中学得了一个有益的教训。Meg, too, learned a salutary lesson when she went to visit some fashionable friends and had her first taste of “Vanity

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它发挥了有益的作用,在传输过程中帮助身体清除胆固醇,降低心脏病的发生率。It appears to play a salutary role, helping remove cholesterol from circulation and reducing the risk of heart disease.

从社会建构主义的角度,详细解释了提高共同体学习的有效学习方式。Some salutary ways to improve networked learning community's capability has been propound from social constructivism angle.

我注意到现在的办公室都配备了工友,这使我们的年轻人不幸丢掉了这个有益的企业教育的一个内容。I notice we have janitors and janitresses now in offices, and our young men unfortunately miss that salutary branch of business education.

你可使忧伤的人散心解闷,你可使快乐的人生活更加甜蜜。To the sorrowful you can even bring salutary diversion from their distress, whilst the happy you enable fully to savour their joie de vivre.

一个瑜伽修炼者,能够控制自己,饮食有益适中,姿势稳固时应在导师的指导下开始练习调息。Posture becoming established, a yogi, master himself, eating salutary and moderate food, should practice pranayama, as instructed by his guru.

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虽然该网站是一个对“过度分享”风险的有益提示,但不足以阻止人们注册位置跟踪网站。Although the site is a salutary reminder of the perils of “oversharing”, it is unlikely to deter people from signing up to location-tracking sites.

辅以经验指导,定会生成在所有那些和内部组织相关问题的一个有益的效果。aided by the light of experience,could not fail to produce an effect equally salutary on all those questions connected with the internal organization.

董事怀着一份感恩的心,将从这次事件中吸取教训,并立即致力于完善公司治理,着手稽核公司内部管理流程,确保高标准的产品品质,一如既往地为消费者提供安全的食品和优质的服务。With heartfelt gratitude, the Directors will learn a salutary lesson from the incidents and shall commit itself to improving corporate governance immediately.