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玉万为之气结。Jade wan qi junction.

你知道七里港吗?Do you know Qi Li harbour?

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它是一个非常高的戚食物!It is a very high Qi food!

齐师伐我。The Qi troops attacked us.

这是齐白石的作品吗?Is it the work of Qi Baishi?

这广饶县的齐笔。The Qi brush of Guangrao City.

所有这些都是“气”的特性。All these are properties of Qi.

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⑴通过学习对话达到熟读、理解。The class qi read the dialogue.

这里是戚继光的故里。This was Qi Jiguang's hometown.

如果没有津液,气就无法存在。Qi cannot exist without body fluid.

修行人的精气就是他的宝剑。Qi is the sword of man of practice.

哦,你会画齐白石的虾吗?。Oh, can you draw Qi Baishi's shrimps?

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齐白石开始在绘画上作尝试。Qi began to experiment with painting.

第四,津液是气的载体。Fourth, body fluid is a carrier of qi.

快剧网首发,齐大为找到樱子。Fast play nets start to find yingzi, qi.

有益气补血,强体抗寒的作用。Qi tonic, and strength the role of cold.

她善哭在齐国是有名的。She was crying in the Qi of good repute.

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这让林琦对这个婚姻陷入了迷茫。This let Lin Qi of the marriage is lost.

祁黄羊推荐了祁午。Qi Huangyiang recommended Qi Wu for the job.

补气杰西将在审核过程中支持我。Qi Jessie will support me during this audit.