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棉织物的丝光整理依然很受欢迎。Mercerization of cotton fabrics is still very popular.

介绍了对棉条进行丝光加工的装置和加工工艺。This paper mainly introduces the processing device and technology of sliver mercerization.

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丝光过程使棉纤维沿直径方向膨胀,沿长度方向伸长。The mercerization process causes the cotton fibers to swell laterally and shrink longitudinally.

对经不同丝光工艺处理的丝光针织布进行染色,经比较,确定了最佳丝光工艺条件。Dyeing process of mercerized knits is carried out, the optimum conditions for mercerization are defined.

在此基础上,结合我们所用的丝光机,针对存在的缺点,提出改进方案和控制目标。Some models of mercerization machine are listed. The goals are given based on the existing mercerization machine,.

市场对织物的要求促进了对纺织品湿整理工艺中丝光整理的需求。Market requirements to fabrics increase the demand for mercerization in the process sequence of textile wet finishing.

国防科技工业军民两用技术市场化是加速军民两用科技成果转化的必要前提。The dual-use technological mercerization is the premise of accelerating the transformation of dual-use technologic achievements.

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介绍了羊毛丝光防缩的机理和方法,着重对毛织物丝光防缩进行了工艺实践,探讨了加工工艺流程、工艺条件,并对处理后的织物进行了质量检测。The principle of mercerization and shrink proof finish of wool and main processes are presented, and processing practice on mercerizing and shrink resistant finishing of wool fabric.

采用缓冲溶液中和丝光后处理的废碱液,效果较好、操作方便、成本低,缓冲溶液是一种值得推广的印染助剂。Buffer soln. was used to neutralize the waste liquors from mercerization. The soln. was worthy to be widely used in text dyeing and printing for its good results, simple operation and low cost.

简要回顾液氨整理的发展历程,分析了液氨的特性和液氨处理与碱液丝光的差别。This paper covers the developing history of liquid ammonia finish, the characteristics of liquid ammonia, as well as the difference between the liquid ammonia treatment and alkali mercerization.