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临床证明温和。Clinically proven mildness.

千万别错过如此性质温和清洁力又好的产品哦。You can't beat this for mildness and cleansing power.

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她悲观的情绪在春天的温暖中消失了。Her gloomy mood disappeared in the mildness of spring.

奶奶出现在亮光里,是那么温和,那么慈爱。Grandmother appeared in the light, so mildness and kindliness.

性情上的温和是善,原则上的温和是恶。Mildness on temper is good, but on principle, it becomes evil.

性质温和,无刺激,适合敏感性肌肤。Mildness in nature, without irritation, fit for sensitive skin.

一八三○年革命的光芒是从这里来的,它的温顺也是从这里来的。Hence the brilliancy of the Revolution of 1830, hence, also, its mildness.

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我在辽阔的世界中徘徊,寻找残留在你嘴角的温柔。I middle linger at the vast world , seek mildness being left over in your angulus oris.

惟愿你的面容与声音所表现的,尽都是爱、温柔与和善。Let only love, gentleness, mildness be expressed in your countenance and in your voice.

其中最优美的是温文和醇熟。但也是最难于学到的。The best flavor is mildness and mellowness, but is most difficult for a writer to attain.

她转身离去的那个冬天,气温寒冷异常,仿佛是她背影,带走了所有的温暖。The winter when the girl left apart is extremely freezing, because the mildness had gong with her.

她太紧张了,“杜洛埃说,自己也感到这批评太温和,没有说出实际状况。"She's too nervous, " said Drouet, feeling in the mildness of the remark that he was lying for once. "

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味道变了,失去了酒精的口感,又恢复了葡萄原始的淡味。It changes flavor, loses the bite of alcohol, and regains the mildness of the grape from which it comes.

Nicoll说,“病情较为温和一定程度上算是好事,但也给疾控人员带来了困难。”"The mildness is good in some ways, but it has also given the disease control people some problems," Nicoll said.

图书馆工作的特殊性要求馆员语言表达具有针对性、节奏性和委婉性。The particularity of librarians' jobs requires pertinence, rhythm and mildness in librarian's linguistic expression.

在温和条件下,采用丙酸降解小麦秸秆为纤维素、半纤维素、木质素三组分。Under mildness condition, straws are degraded into the three parts, cellulose, hemi cellulose and lignin by propionic acid.

本地区的不同文明应该以平和、包容的心态看待彼此的差异。The spirit of mildness and inclusiveness should be followed in handling differences among various civilizations in the region.

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金色的初秋温柔地抚慰着大地。一丝淡淡的茴香味弥漫在空气中,那是黄花的芬芳。Then it goes back beyond the northern hills to wait a little longer, and the golden mildness of early autumn comforts the land.

伊朗的对西方政策大变脸,一改哈塔米时代的温和,处处体现出了强硬。Pair of Iranian Westpolitik are big suddenly turn hostile, one has changed Hatami times mildness , has embodied out everywhere flinty.

这个夏天,我认识了扬,第一次见他,他就是这样子对我笑,那一刻,觉得这个男生笑得暖暖的,像初夏的阳光。This summer, I knew Yang. He is smiling to me like our first meet. That moment, I found his mildness of smiling displayed the sunshine of the early summer.