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但未经改革的原有制度的缺点更加明显。But the downsides of an unreformed system are much more obvious.

苏联时代遗留下来的社会福利制度和政府的官僚习气,已成为乌克兰无法承受之重负。Its unreformed social system and its red tape, both inherited from Soviet days, are crushing burdens.

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英国经济也有长期存在的劣势,包括拥挤的交通,缺乏改革的学校教育以及停滞不前的技术。The economy has long-standing weaknesses, including congested transport, unreformed schools and patchy skills.

四名女性因公然反抗未经改革的禁止妇女驾驶的法令,而被禁止参与当地选举。Four women who publicly defied the still unreformed ban on female driving were barred from contesting local elections.

一个未经改革的司法制度看上去是被宗教保守派主宰,包括了一个名义上的安全的国家,或惧怕伊斯兰教激进分子的法官。Yet an unreformed judiciary seems to be dominated by religious conservatives, within a nominally secular state, or judges who fear Islamist radicals.

比如说,在道路和教育上的投资不应该被归并为昂贵的待改革的津贴,后者如社保和医疗。Investment in roads and education, for instance, ought not to be lumped in with costly and unreformed entitlements, like Social Security and Medicare.

例如在道路及教育方面的支出,不应该与昂贵而且未经改革的权利像社会安全和医疗,汇总到一起。Investment in roads and education, for instance, ought not to be lumped in with costly and unreformed entitlements, like Social Security and Medicare.

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但中国固有的刑罚制度,使创新性的社区矫正,发展起来后劲不足。However, the innovation has experienced less after-effect in the process of development, with the unreformed criminal punishment system standing in the way.

乏善可陈的一党制,死记硬背的育人方式和对于大型企业的国有管制,这些束缚最终还是很难使“新中国”成为孕育创新思想的温床。With its unreformed one-party system, its rote-learning in schools and state control of big businesses, “new China” is hardly a haven for innovative thinking.

另一方面,试想体系并没有变革,市场机制没有变革,每个人关注经济增长的方法和福利。On the other hand suppose the system is not changed. Market mechanisms are left unreformed and everyone focuses instead on symptomatic and end-of-pipe measures of growth and well-being.