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从长远看,工会弱化似乎是不可逆的过程。The long-term decline in unionization seems irreversible.

英国工会组织的高度发展加剧了这个问题的严重性。Britain's high degree of unionization accentuates the problem.

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瓦格纳法大幅地增加了工会组织和工会力量。The Wagner Act substantially increased unionization and union power.

造反派热烈欢迎新盟友,并制订组织工会的计划。The rebels defiantly welcomed new allies and laid plans for unionization campaigns.

这位发言人还说,这就是为什么沃尔玛的雇员一再拒绝成立工会的原因。The spokesman said that is why Wal-Mart employees have repeatedly rejected unionization.

这同样适用于社会权利,如保护工人,工会和防止童工。The same applies to social rights such as worker protection, unionization and prevention of child labor.

公司的董事们提出了一个将会停止工会化进程的妥协方案。The director of the corporation offered a compromise that would have halted the progress of unionization.

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那些正在鼓励工会化、推动此类法律改变的政治家,对这个道理,是不能理解的。This is not understood by the politicians who are pushing for legal changes that will encourage unionization.

这个工会组织的旨在允许雇员表达对工作条件、福利、薪水的诉求。The idea behind unionization is to allow employees to have a say over their work conditions, benefits, and wages.

为了维护和捍卫自身权益,高校教师不惜参与或组织工会,与校方进行集体谈判。They had to take the tactics of unionization and collective bargaining so as to protect their rights and interests.

这家公司同样需要和与中国政府关系紧密的工会组织斗智斗勇。The company also is contending with the unionization of its Chinese work force by groups closely tied to the government.

如果NLRB推翻这一决定,它将摧毁劳动者借以对抗非自愿工会化的主要保护伞。If the NLRB overturns the decision, it will destroy the principal protection workers have against involuntary unionization.

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南非收购案的事态发展是否会再次引发在沃尔玛的美国本土店成立工会的大争辩,我们还得拭目以待。It remains to be seen if the developments in South Africa will reignite the debate of unionization in Wal-Mart's U.S. stores.

私营部门的工会化自20世纪50年代以来就一直处于低潮中,当时大约每三个私营部门劳动者就有一个属于某个工会。Private-sector unionization has steadily plummeted since the 1950s, when roughly one in three private-sector workers belonged to a union.

但就我所知这完全是一个私有企业现象,并且随着私有企业成立工会,这类计划正在减少。But this is entirely a private sector phenomenon, as far as I know, and these sorts of plans are declining along with private sector unionization.

公司养着一支武装力量,这支武装力量由侦探、煤矿警卫、间谍组成,其任务就是对矿工们进行隔离,以消除他们可能联合起来的危险。The company maintained a force of detectives, mine guards, and spies whose job it was to keep the camp quarantined from the danger of unionization.

究其原因,是企业联盟的理论尚未得到深入的阐释,结盟企业缺少对联盟科学运作的系统研究。The reason is that the theory of enterprise unionization has not been deeply expounded and that unionized enterprise lacks systematic study on the scientific operation of unions.

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在过去40年里,非政府工人在联合会的比例大幅度下降——这种现象不止发生在美国——而政府员工在联合会的比例仅小幅度下降。During the past 40 years, the fraction of unionized civilian workers fell steeply-and not only in the United States- while the unionization of government workers fell only a little.

因此,对于企业来说,就存在一个激励,它们遵从胡佛的方案,支付适度提高了的真实工资,从而避开了因“工会化”而带来的更高的工资,避免了更低的利润。Consequently, there was an incentive for firms to follow Hoover's program of paying moderately higher real wages to avoid even higher wages and lower profits that would come from unionization.

新型农村社会养老保险进入实际操作层面,为失地农民养老保险制度的规范化、统一化建设提供了历史性的契机。The started of the New type of rural social endowment insurance provides historical opportunity for the standardization and unionization of the Old-age insurance system for peasants without land.