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引起疾病的细菌、病毒、真菌、或原生动物。A bacterium, virus, fungus or protozoan causing disease.

原生动物是江河鱼类的生物饵料组成之一。Protozoan is one of the food organ isms for fish in Rivers.

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兔球虫属于艾美耳科的寄生性原虫。Rabbit coccidian is a kind of parasitic protozoan of Eimeria.

在此浓度,控制原生动物寄生虫是可以实现的。At this concentration, control of protozoan parasites can be achieved.

通过AM真菌和原生动物对花生进行双接种,研究他们之间的相互作用。The effects of inoculations of AM and protozoan on peanuts was studied.

但是,在原食草植物吃浮游植物在这个大小范围。However, protozoan grazers feed well on phytoplankton in this size range.

弓形虫是一种全球性分布的寄生原虫,可感染鸟类、哺乳动物和人。Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan parasite that can infect aves, mammal and human beings.

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成千上万的人被感染,全世界每年疟原虫引起。Hundreds of millions of people world-wide are infected each year with protozoan parasites.

结论引滦水源已受原虫和病毒的污染。Conclusion The source water diverted from Luan River was polluted by protozoan and viruses.

蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫是全球危害人类健康的重要寄生性原虫之一。Giardia lamblia is one of the most important parasitic protozoan threatening human health globally.

周丛原生动物的垂直分布基本与周丛藻类的垂直分布相一致。The vertical distributions of periphytic protozoan basically accorded with those of periphytic algae.

原虫疾病。原虫是大自然中各处都能大量发现的单细胞动物。Protozoan Diseases, Protozoa are one-celled animals found in great numbers almost everywhere in nature.

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我们人类由原生动物,经过无数的演化变成现在这个模样,将来还要继续演化下去没完没了。Human did countless evolution from protozoan into the status quo. There still will be endless evolution.

储藏物害虫的病原微生物包括病原细菌、真菌、病毒和病原原生动物等。Entomopathogenic organisms used for microbial control include bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoan etc.

人芽囊原虫是一种常见的人和哺乳动物肠道寄生原虫。Blastocystis hominis is a unicellular protozoan commonly found in the intestinal tract of human and mammal.

调查上海市区不同人群的口腔原虫的感染情况。从齿垢物取标本作新鲜涂片法检查。PURPOSE In order to find out the protozoan infection of oral cavity for different groups of persons in Shanghai.

什么是'肠外阿米巴病-感染阿米巴以外的其他领域小肠'?。Several protozoan species in the genus Entamoeba infect humans, but not all of them are associated with disease.

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疟疾由疟原虫引起,这种原虫在人体内繁殖,并通过雌性按蚊传播。Malaria is caused by protozoan parasites which thrie in humans and are passed between them by female Anopheles mosquitoes.

瘤胃微生物如细菌、原虫以及纤毛虫等的研究一直是反刍动物研究的重要方面。Ruminal microbes, such as bacteria, protozoan and infusorians, have been always the key aspects of the research of ruminant.

这种新疫苗的基础是引入了由利什曼幼虫得到的特异性基因和蛋白到病人体内。The new vaccine is based on introducing specific genes and proteins from the protozoan Leishmania infantum into the patient.