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我们先称义神。We firstly justified God.

首先他说尤文还是那支尤文。Firstly he said Juve are still Juve.

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首先有问题的汽门。Firstly there's the issue of valving.

波登和莎拉首次见面是在哪里?Where did Borden and Sarah firstly meet?

野牛镍币开始设计与1911年。The Buffalo Nickle was firstly designed in 1911.

首先,我要在课前做好预习。Firstly I will prepare for my lessons before class.

首先为纪录片“正名”。Firstly it discussed the definition of documentary.

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首先恭喜你获得了博士学位。Q. Firstly congratulations on receiving your Doctorate.

栉爪螯蜂亚科为中国首次记录。The subfamily Bocchinae is firstly recorded from China.

1的第一个感觉是戴上后太舒适了。As for the PM-1's, firstly they are extremely comfortable.

若是酒店正式考中您,您上班第一件事是做甚么?If you are employ by the hotel , what will you do firstly?

首先定义为氢离子浓度负对数。It is firstly def ined as minus logarithm of PH indicator.

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克里普克首先将必然性、先验性区分开。Kripke distinguishes inevitability from apriority firstly.

推开店门,最先注意到的是那块场记牌。Stepping into the shop, you will firstly note the log tag.

构建了城市核心竞争能力概念层次模型。The definition of urban core-competence is firstly proposed.

弗兰克•阿内森先后参观了斯坦福桥和科巴姆。Frank Arnesen visits firstly Stamford Bridge and then Cobham.

本文首先对运算放大器电路进行了分析和设计。In this thesis, the Op-amp was designed and analyzed firstly.

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好,首先你同意真值重要吗?Okay firstly do you agree that the truth values are as I say?

那一天,因骆一禾引见,我与海子初次相识。On that day, due to Yihe's introduction, I firstly met Haizi.

李贽带给世人的,首先是没完没了的争议。What Li Zhi brings common people firstly is endless disputes.