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他是个可爱的小淘气。He is a lovely elf.

“等等!”海精灵抗议道。"Wait! " the sea elf protested.

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我是一位深爱超级少年的蔚蓝色妖精。I am a ELF and I love Super Junior.

哦该死,是那个精灵。口风一致。Oh crap, it's the Elf. follow my lead.

他厌恶地离开了暗夜精灵的领地。Reluctantly he departed night elf lands.

这是一个水蓝色小精灵再次充斥活气。This is an aqua blue again with a dynamic elf.

这是一个水蓝色小精灵再次布满活气。Thellos is an aqua blue again with a dynamic elf.

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孩子说,“可能她想让妈妈也拉风一回,”"Guess she wants mom to get her swag, " the elf said.

那个黑头发女人和七个小矮人装的男人?And that raven-haired woman with seven men in elf suits?

艾露恩姐妹会同样有时会接纳暗夜精灵以外种族的牧师。Once, all priests who served Elune were night elf women.

侏儒坐下来,而小仙人摇了那小铜铃。The dwarf sat down and the elf rang the little brass bell.

她在台上狂舞时,就像一个活跃的精灵!When dancing wildly onstage, she looks just like a pretty elf.

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你的暗夜约会对象跳上来坐在你背后时,夜刃发出了咕噜咕噜的喉音。The Nightsaber purrs as your Night Elf date hops on behind you.

最后一天终于到了,小精灵也该走了,因为到期末已经没有家庭作业了。Finally the last day of school arrived and the elf was free to go.

据发现猴脑将在ELF电波作用中处于下跌阶段。It was found that monkey brains would fall in phase with ELF waves.

在动荡的战争年代,他导引精灵们正确认识死亡。In the turbulent war age, he guides the elf to know the death aright.

如果他想要一个木精灵作侦察兵,就得允许塔卡莉有她自己的幽默。If he wanted a Wood elf for a scout, Takari had to be allowed her fun.

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我可没让精灵在对抗妖鬼麻痹的意志豁免中失败。I didn't tell the elf to fail his Will save against ghast paralyzation.

艾露恩的修女们再也不会放弃领导暗夜精灵人民的权力。Never again would the Sisters of Elune fail to guide the night elf people.

然后他给我一个拥抱,他告诉精灵从驯鹿的马具上剪下一个铃铛。Then he gave me a hug and told an elf to cut a bell from a reindeer's harness.