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然后,票据交换所把这些实际的支票交给每个标据付款行。Then they deliver the actual checks to each drawee bank.

只是我们必须先把个人支票送到付款行去托收.But we have to send a personal check to the drawee bank for collection.

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付款人拒绝承兑的,必须出具拒绝承兑的证明。The drawee refusing acceptance must produce a certificate of dishonor by nonacceptance.

提示行,即向付款人提示单据的代收行。"The "presenting Bank"which is the collecting Bank making presentation to the drawee. "

不得书明付款人将用付款以外之方法履行承诺。It must not express that the drawee will perform his promise by any other means than the payment of money.

用于支取现金的支票仅限于收款人向付款人提示付款。A check for payment of cash shall be only limited to the presentment by the payee to the drawee for payment.

确认后的支票由保付卡的发行者、受票行或系统运营者担保。Validated cheques are guaranteed by the issuer of the guarantee card, the drawee bank or the system operator.

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托收指示应列明付款人将要采取行动的确切期限。The collection instruction should state the exact period of time within which any action is to be taken by the drawee.

根据我国现行对票据法的有权解释,商自然人可以作为汇票的付款人进行票据支付行为。In the light of the related interpretation on the commercial paper law, the businessman is able to be the drawee to pay.

支付人可在指定的任何美国银行、警容或信托公司兑付本汇票。The drawee may accept this bill payable at any bank, banker or trust company in the United States which he may designate.

寄回的付讫支票记载了你花钱的地点,当作收到款项的证据,也就是说,付讫支票可以当作收据。Thats an out-of-town personal check. We wouldnt be able to cash it for you until proceeds are collected from the drawee bank.

承兑人或者付款人被依法宣告破产的或者因违法被责令终止业务活动的。the acceptor or the drawee is declared bankrupt according to law or is ordered to stop business activities for violation of law.

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这是一张外地个人支票,要等到款项从票据付款行取回来以后,我们才能够为您的支票兑现。That's an out-of-town personal check. We wouldn't be able to cash it for you until the proceeds are collected from the drawee bank.

付款人对于背书支票的付款,应负识别背书连续之责,但对于背书签名,不负识别真伪之责。The drawee who pays an endorsable check is bound to verify the regularity of the series of endorsement, but not the signature of the endorsers.

第一百二十八条出票人在付款人处的存款足以支付支票金额时,付款人应当在见票当日足额付款。Article 128 Where the drawer's deposit in the drawee is sufficient for paying the amount of the check, the drawee shall pay in full on the date of sight.

如受票人签署汇票表示承兑,就变成了承兑人,汇票到期时负责兑付。If the drawee accepts the bill, by writing on it and signing, he becomes the acceptor and therefore is primarily liable to pay the bill when it becomes due.

付款人的详细资料,包括完整的名称、邮政地址、或者提示的地点,以及,如有的话,电传、电话和传真号码。Details of the drawee including full name, postal address, or the domicile at which presentation is to be made and if applicable telex, telephone and facsimile numbers.

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持票人应在提示付款期限内通过开户银行委托收款或直接向付款人提示付款。The holder shall authorize the holder's bank to collect the payment or directly make presentment to the drawee for payment within the time limit for presentment for payment.

付款行的贴现利息及承兑佣金由开证申请人支付,因此受益人的远期汇票将收到如即期汇票的金额。Drawee bank’s discount or interest charges and acceptance commission are for the applicant and therefore the beneficiary is to receive value for term draft as if drawn at sight.

票据是指由出票人签发的,无条件约定自己或委托他人支付一定金额,可流通转让的有价证券,它具有无因性、文义性、要式性等显著的特点。Negotiable instruments means the valuable securities signed and issued by the drawer, who agrees itself to or authorizes the drawee to pay unconditionally a sum certain in money.