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我庆幸我找到你的那一天。I felicitate the day I found you.

当所有的陌生人也发短信来祝贺我生日的时候,我就知道那是包子。It was so amazing when there were so many strangers to felicitate my birthday.

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这又如何,看着每个结婚的人过关后悔的生活,又让我庆幸自己没那么做。Seeing every pair of couple regret for their life, I felicitate I have chosen it.

我曾经暗自庆幸,我不会出言不逊也不会为言语所伤。I ever felicitate myself secretly that I won't make impertinent remarks or be hurt by them.

日本该庆祝印度港口里日本造船分厂的开设。Japan should felicitate the opening of branches of Japanese vessel building industries along the Indian docks and port.

每到春节,一些国家的政要会发表春节致辞,或者给中国国家主席打电话,向中国人祝贺新春。When the festival comes, some politicians in other countries will pronounce address or call to our chairman to felicitate us.

给第二个人一个拥抱,帮她倒垃圾,为她这个月可以拿很多奖金而高兴,为有她的陪伴而庆幸。Give a warm hugtothe second one, help hertopour litter, feel happy for her getting even more bonus, felicitate for her accompany.

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我爱你的心使我厌弃一切尘世间的快乐,只有爱您才是我的无上的幸福。Only she comes too short that I profess myself an enemy to all other joys which the most precious square of sense possesses, and find I'm alone felicitate in your dear highness' love.

在柴油机使用过程中技术状态的改变将导致激振力发生不同的变化,因此测量机体激振信号有利于对柴油机技术状态进行监测。The exciting forces will change when the technical states of diesel engine change. So to measure the body vibration can felicitate the monitoring of diesel engine technical states of.

而今也常常庆幸自己竟然懵懵懂懂走了过来,不再受其影响的同时,也清楚地认识到他们并没有做错什么——那只是一种行动风格而已。At the same time, I felicitate myself for the enlightenment and never being affected by these influences again. Moreover, I clearly understand that they have no fault and it's just a sort of style.

值此欢庆中国新春佳节之际,我谨代表拉各斯州政府和人民向伟大的中国人民表示热烈祝贺!On behalf of the people and the Government of the Lagos State, it is my very warm pleasure and honor to felicitate with the great people of China on the Occasion of the Chinese New Year celebrations.