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时间尽管不早了,他们仍继续学习。Late as it was, they continued to study. catchup tv.

你相信吗,他甚至把调味酱放到冰淇淋里。Can you believe it, he even puts catchup on his ice cream.

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你信不信,他吃冰淇淋的时候竟然还要加蕃茄酱。Can you believe it, he even puts catchup on his ice cream.

服务员,你们有酱吗?法式炸薯条我要加些酱。Waiter, do you have some catchup?I want some for this French fries.

九月份我们举办一次聚会,大概在月中。请留意群通知。We will run a catchup in the middle of September. Watch our update.

首先,它将确保你有你学习的老师酱。First it will ensure you to catchup with the teachers in your learning.

现在,作为生物技术的世界领导者,我们必须努力追赶。Now, after being a world leader in bio tech, we've got to play catchup.

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可再生能源的政治动力来源于欧洲,我们在玩追逐游戏”。The political impetus on renewable energy is coming from Europe and we’re playing catchup.

但是他们也面临着越来越多的全球竞争,需要赶超那些最领先的、最雄心勃勃的国际同行。But they face increasing global competition and need to catchup with the best and most ambitious international companies.

虽然Box是目前云存储市场上一个有力的竞争者,但增加事件流这个这个功能实在来的是晚了点。Although Box is a solid player in the cloud storage market, it's playing catchup by adding activity streams this late in the game.

这种技术最大的特点是用音频的形式显示结果,这样迟到的人就可以听到一个语音的概括,而不用去读那些记录。A key feature of Catchup is that it then presents the result in audio form, so the latecomer hears a spoken summary rather than having to plough through a transcript.