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质子和中子构成电荷双重态。Proton and neutron form a charge doublet.

这仿宝石看上去像真宝石。The doublet looks like genuine precious stone.

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穿着紧身背心,马臀皮的靴子。Clad in doublet and hose, and boots of Cordovan leather.

我们称这些复制的染色体为双体。We can refer to these duplicated chromosomes as making up a doublet.

在都铎王朝时期,男人穿紧身上衣和紧身短裤,脖子上戴宽而硬的轮状皱领。In the times of the Tudors, a man dressed in doublet and hose and wore a ruff.

如果我们用光谱学术语来说,这叫双峰。And if we're talking about things in spectroscopy terms here, this is what we call a doublet.

跨越扩散表达的主体是法律主体的双重人,像是连体婴。The subject of a transcursive enunciation is the damned double of the subject of the law. It is its doublet.

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双儿飞身过去,在他“天豁穴”上一脚踢去,这喇嘛的话声立时变成了呻吟和呼号。Doublet landed him a quick kick to the Celestial Gully and his squawks were instantly transformed into pathetic moans.

在每一网格上布置了二次偶极子面分布,以确保较高的精确度。In order to obtain a high accuracy, the wing is represented by piecewise continuous quadratic doublet sheet distributions.

随着数字地震学的快速发展,重复地震在地震学的研究中显得越来越重要。With the fast development of digital seismology, doublet earthquake is taking an important role in studying of seismology.

双儿帮着他扣衣钮,又取出一只小木梳,替他梳了头发,编结辫子。Doublet helped him do up his buttons, and, producing a little wooden comb, tithed his hair for him and plaited his pigtail.

他们对此非常惊奇和激动,然后他们考虑为什么会这样,怎么会得到这种劈裂的双峰。They were totally surprised and excited, and they were thinking how could this happen, where did we got this split doublet from.

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他身穿精心制作的白色花边的环状领和在他那个年代只有富有和成功的男人们才可能穿着的黄金贴边蓝色紧身上衣。He is dressed in elaborate white lace ruff and a gold-trimmed blue doublet of a kind worn only by the wealthy and successful men of his age.

三棵树的神话出现在创世纪及末世纪,仅是三个时代神话的对应。The myth of the three trees, as it appears in certain apocryphal gospels and apocalypses, is merely a doublet of the myth of the three ages.

提出一种基于双重小波系数集的音频水印算法,定义了双重小波系数集。Doublets of wavelet coefficients are defined and a watermarking scheme for digital audio based on doublet of wavelet coefficients is proposed.

这双靴子、一把旧钝头剑,还有某个艺术家用来画过几幅画的开衩背心,这些便是乔的主要宝藏,任何场合都得登台亮相。These boots, an old foil, and a slashed doublet once used by an artist for some picture, were Jo's chief treasures, and appeared on all occasions.

讨论电偶源频率测深法在甘肃省龙首山北缘地区的应用及效果。The applications and the results of Electric doublet source frequency sounding on the Northern margin of Longshou mountain of Gansu are introduced.

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“达布里特”是一种窄形上衣,长及腰部,前面合体,领口用扣子或裁得很低,前胸和袖子的上半部分充填成型。The doublet was narrow at the waist, tight fitting at the front, buttoned up or deeply cut. The chest section and the upper sleeves were well padded.

钠光谱中的这条线以及其它线的双重性指出预期价电子可用的状态数是双重的。The doublet nature of this and other lines in the Na spectrum indicates a doubling of the expected number of states available to the valence electron.

本文利用二重简并四波混频感生折射率光栅,实现了光信息在有机染料BDN溶液中的实时存储。The real-time storage is obtained in the organic dye BDN solution in toluene by doublet degenerate four wave mixing induced thermal refractive index grating.