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政府可以取消任何不公平的条约。A government may abrogate any unfair treaties.

下一任首相可能会废除这个条约。The next prime minister could abrogate the treaty.

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暂时取消罢工权的提议。A proposal to abrogate temporarily the right to strike.

当一个新制度诞生的时候,旧制度就要废除了。When a new-made a naissance, the old system will abrogate.

我要向全球发问,什么时候可以在全球取消国界?。When can we abrogate the national boundaries all over the world?

在内布拉斯加是和医院一起摇摆,取消了所有的责任。In Nebraska they swing by the hospital and abrogate all responsibility.

于是后来,美国宣布他废除武器控制的协议。S. announced its intention to abrogate several arms control agreements.

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然后这些国家就可以废止条约,进而去建立一个核武器装备库。Then they can abrogate the treaty and proceed to build a nuclear arsenal.

行肾脏移植可能会降低这些患者的死亡率。Kidney transplantation may abrogate some of this increased mortality risk.

或者适用将取消土著居民条约上保证的权利。Where application would abrogate rights guaranteed by Native American treaties.

但是,摆脱冷战思维不应被简单地理解为废除冷战时达成的军控条约。However, abandoning the Cold War mindset is not to abrogate arms control treaties concluded in that era.

政府不能取消合同,每一荐可能限制红利的合法的步骤都已经被实行了。The government cannot just abrogate contracts. Every legal step possible to limit those bonuses is being taken.

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但是,这位牧师不会缩短他的布道,它是用来号召他的有节制的教区居民放弃人类的枷锁的啊。But this man of the cloth would not abridge sermons calling on his abstemious parishioners to also abrogate human bondage.

根据全国人大常委会的决定,派遣和召回驻外全权代表,批准和废除同外国缔结的条约和重要协定。To appoint and recall plenipotentiary and to rectify and abrogate treaties and important agreement concluded with foreign states.

新兴的市民阶层和中小工商业者强烈要求废除封建特权,发展资本主义。Newly arisen citizenry stratum and bourgeois have strong request that abrogate the feudalistic privilege and develop the capitalism.

思维会计原理作为多元的结构化过程,取消了经济资源的完全可替代性。And the mental accounting discovered by behavioral economists abrogate the assumption of perfect substitutability of economic resources.

因此,历史中的多个圣约,并不会取代或废除神与亚当在堕落之后所立的第一个圣约,而是保存它,以它为基础,建立在它之上的。The covenants in history, therefore, do not replace or abrogate the first covenant made with Adam after the Fall, but build upon and preserve it.

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只是因为经济状况不好的,现在是没有任何藉口要取消一个主权国家,或废除的权利,作为一个自由的个人,或窃取我们的资源。Just because the economy is not doing so well right now is no excuse to do away with a sovereign country, or abrogate our rights as a free individuals, or steal our resources.

你们已经看到,我们政府非常高层的人士表示,如果巴勒斯坦人觉得随随便便就可以放弃他们的承诺,那以色列当然至少应当考虑以牙还牙。And you've seen very senior people in my government say that if the Palestinians feel free to abrogate their commitments, surely Israel should at least consider doing the same.

第一次世界大战结束后,中国人民强烈要求废除丧权辱国的“二十一条”、“收回青岛”。After the First World War, Chinese people strongly required to abrogate the "twenty-one articles" that humiliated the nation and forfeited its sovereignty, and "recalling Qingdao City".