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但是,他们的呼吁被华沙无视了。However, their appeal was ignored by Warsaw.

他们将于次日袭击华沙。They were going to raid Warsaw the next day.

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亨利克雷宾斯基,华沙技术,波兰大学。Henryk rybinski, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland.

华沙的游览自然应该从老城区开始。A natural starting point for a tour of Warsaw is the Old Town.

出任司法部长时,他严厉打击犯罪,随后成为华沙市长。He was a crime-busting justice minister and then mayor of Warsaw.

华沙市长办公室声称杰克逊此次是应其邀请而来的。The Warsaw mayor's office says Jackson is coming at its invitation.

在华沙的总统官邸前一名抱着一束郁金香花的妇女。A mourner held tulips in front of the presidential palace in Warsaw.

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从他离开华沙的那天算起,漫长的六年里,她没有见过詹努斯。She hadn't seen Janusz since the day heleft Warsaw six long years ago.

华沙是奥巴马先生为期六天的欧洲之行的最后一天。Warsaw was the final stop in Mr. Obama's 6 days' six-day trip to Europe.

他临终时要求将自己的心脏送回华沙。It was to Warsaw that, at the end of his life, he would bequeath his heart.

干的好,中国的歌迷。我真想在华沙这里也有这样美丽的雕像。Great job fans in ChinaI'd love to have such beautiful statue here in Warsaw.

高爆弹的北约和前华沙条约组织均使用的基本炮兵弹药。HE is the basic artillery round used by NATO forces and the former Warsaw Pact.

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这里的传统波兰饺子是全华沙最好吃的。They serve the best traditional Polish pierogi, or Polish dumplings, in Warsaw.

妇女参加世界画刊上新德街高鞋跟在华沙2010年6月19日的比赛。Women compete in a high-heel race on Nowy Swiat Street in Warsaw June 19, 2010.

角页岩曾经被华沙私立学校的俄罗斯人所控制。Hornberg had been put in charge by the Russians of the private schools of Warsaw.

德国马歇尔基金会华沙办公室的巴拉诺斯基解释了其中的缘由。Michal Baranowski, of the Warsaw office of the German Marshall Fund, explains why.

波兰陆军是在同对华沙的钳形攻势的合围进行博斗而全军覆没的。It was within the claws of the warsaw pincers that the polish army fought and died.

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华沙公约的成立是用来对抗资本阵营所成立的北大西洋公约组织的。The Warsaw Pact was formed to counterbalance the NATO formed by the capitalist bloc.

伊曼纽尔。艾克斯出生于波兰的利沃夫,六岁时开始在华沙学习钢琴。Emanuel Ax was born in Lvov and began to study the piano at the age of six in Warsaw.

莱姆帕特生病了,被托付给了一位教区教士,贾斯特回了华沙。Lempart became ill and was left with a parish priest, while Jaster returned to Warsaw.