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主要分布在奈及利亚南部与加彭。Mainly in south Nigeria and Gabon.

一头河马在加蓬的海岸附近冲浪。A hippopotamus surfs the waves off the coast of Gabon.

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喀麦隆、莫桑比克和加篷处在第三梯队。Cameroon, Mozambique and Gabon tie at third from bottom.

欧纳先生在加彭领导了2个环保组织。Ona has two heads 2 environmental organizations in Gabon.

邦戈表示,中国是非洲和加蓬值得信赖的好朋友。Gabon said China is a trustworthy friend of Africa and Gabon.

加蓬的旅行加强了他对自己和自己的使命的信仰。The trip to Gabon reinforced his belief in himself and his mission.

乌干达、苏丹和加蓬在最近十年里也暴发过疫情。Uganda, Sudan, and Gabon have also suffered outbreaks in the last decade.

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杨洁篪12日抵达利伯维尔,开始对加蓬进行正式访问。Yang arrived in Libreville on February 12 for an official visit to Gabon.

加蓬的一个非法野味市场上,一只黑疣猴正被烧烤待售。A black colobus monkey is roasted for sale at an illegal bush-meat market in Gabon.

地球上所曾经形成的远古反应堆,是否只有位于加彭的这些?Were these ancient reactors in Gabon the only ones ever to have formed on the earth?

位于国境西北部加蓬河口北岸,濒大西洋。距赤道约46千米。Gabon in the north-west border the north shore of the estuary, Bin From the about 46 km.

图为加蓬大猩猩收养所中一头西部低地大猩猩宝宝莱克迪的特写照片。Lekedi, a baby western lowland gorilla, sits for a close-up at a gorilla orphanage in Gabon.

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一群剪嘴鸥在加蓬海岸区鱼类富集的水面上空滑翔而过。A flock of African skimmer birds glides over the fish-rich waters of Gabon 's coastal region.

他的逝世既是加蓬的重大损失,也使中国失去了一位令人尊敬的好朋友。His passing away is not only a great loss for Gabon but also cost China a respectable good friend.

与滨海高速公路相连的是独立大街,因纪念加蓬的独立而得名。And the coastal highway connected is independent street, because the independent memorial Gabon paihuli.

这次研究结果表明加蓬对主要产卵地及保护地采取有力保护措施的重要性。The study highlights the importance of conservation work to manage key sites and protected areas in Gabon.

非洲任期最长的领袖,加蓬总统奥马尔·邦戈·翁丁巴在执政40多年后去世。Africa's longest-serving leader President Omar Bongo of Gabon has died after more than 40 years in power. Mr.

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根据奥马尔邦戈后42年,曼本杜说,在加蓬的选民不希望与他的儿子阿里同样多。After 42 years under Omar Bongo, Mamboundou says voters in Gabon do not want more of the same with his son Ali.

加蓬的一所医学研究中心正在加强其举措,从而成为一个世界级的全球卫生研究中心。A medical research centre in Gabon is stepping up its efforts to become a world-class global health research centre.

其中一个这样的实验室是位于非洲中部西海岸的加蓬的热带疾病研究中心。One such laboratory is the Tropical Diseases Research Unit at Lambaréné in Gabon on the west coast of central Africa.