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修剪后施玫瑰花肥,培土。After pruning, apply a rose fertiliser and mulch.

修剪完成后施用月季花肥。After pruning, feed plants with a rose fertiliser.

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修剪之后,在植株周围施玫瑰专用肥。After pruning, apply a rose fertiliser and mulch around the plant.

鸟粪被用来作为世界上最好的有机肥料。Guano is used to make some of the world's finest organic fertiliser.

随着细菌的分解,肥料逐渐释放出各种营养成分。The fertiliser releases nutrients gradually as bacteria decompose it.

人们根据土壤和气候改变施肥的技术与化肥类型。The technique and type of fertiliser varies depending on the soil and climate.

她的丈夫正在抠攒着买联合收割机、种子和花费的钱。Her husband is scraping together money to pay for his combine, seed and fertiliser.

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因为“磷酸盐峰值”的威胁,我们也再没有牢靠的肥料供应了。Nor can we take fertiliser supply for granted any longer since "peak phosphates" threatens.

你是浇灌人造化肥的农田里的一颗基因操纵的种子。You are a genetically manipulated seed planted in a field doused with artificial fertiliser.

例如,增加化肥使用量会提高水分生产力,但会对环境造成污染。For example higher fertiliser use raises water productivity but adds pollution to the environment.

几位北京大学生介绍了他们如何将校园厨余转变成有机肥料。A group of Chinese students explain how they are turning school kitchen waste into organic fertiliser.

这是相当大的一部分,因为可以减少施肥和从动物粪便中滤出的氮。This is largely because of reductions in fertiliser use and the amount of nitrogen leaching from manure.

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在撒哈拉以南非洲,改善的作物品种、化肥和土壤管理正在帮助节水。In Sub-Saharan Africa, improved crop varieties, fertiliser and soil management are helping conserve water.

它同时能够减少垃圾和气味,并且产生一种比未经处理的粪便安全许多的有价值的有机肥料。It will also reduce waste and odours, and produce a valuable organic fertiliser that is safer than raw manure.

要信守这个承诺,在一定程度上要靠钾肥,这是中国唯一一种严重短缺的化肥。Maintaining that promise depends in part on potash, the only fertiliser in which China is seriously deficient.

粮食产量的增长主要是因为在印度和中国这样的国家使用了人造肥料。That increase happened primarily through the use of artificial fertiliser in countries such as India and China.

在宽敞的环境中,这种植物每周会大量吸收液态肥料和钾来维持生命力。It guzzles liquid fertiliser and potassium each week to keep up its strength while bedded in roomy surroundings.

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然而,所有人都没有预料到的是,2007年,石油价格创下新高,随后,种子和化肥价格翻倍。What no one foresaw was that oil prices would peak in 2007, and then all grain and fertiliser prices would double.

丰益糖也制作肥料和经营一个小型化学机构,生产溶剂和食品配料。Wilmar Sugar also makes fertiliser and operates a small agency interest for chemicals, solvents and food ingredients.

在非洲,有大量的土地已经耗尽了养分,因而更需要长期经过良好管理的施肥。In Africa, where many soils have become badly depleted of nutrients, better fertiliser management would go a long way.