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你当刚强壮胆!Be strong and courageous.

他是个勇敢的般长。He is courageous captain.

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他投这一票可真有胆。It was a courageous vote.

爱,是给那些囿勇气的秂的。Love is for the courageous.

你可是变得勇气十足。You could become courageous.

你们是勇敢的,你们是有魄力的。You are brave, you are courageous.

杜为是个智慧且勇敢无畏的人。Dewey was a wise and courageous man.

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这使得他也非常勇敢。This makes him also very courageous.

好运忠爱勇敢和有勇气的人。Good fortune favors the brave and courageous.

经常有一些很,勇敢的人。There are always a few very courageous people.

首先,你们的议程雄心勃勃,勇气十足。First, your agenda is ambitious and courageous.

勇敢的拿起了武器,胆小的躲了起来。The courageous took to arms, the poltroons hid.

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有胆识,能够很好地应对紧张情绪。They're very courageous. They deal with tension.

上升狮子座充满活力、勇毅并且豪情满怀。Leo Rising is vital, courageous and full ofpride.

那个小英雄既健康又勇敢。That little hero is courageous as well as strong.

勇敢的敌人胜过懦怯的朋友。A courageous foe is better than a cowardly friend.

如果我们不能变的无惧,我们应该变勇敢If we can’t be fearless, we can always be courageous

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他知礼,耐心,勇敢,而且非常聪明。He is gentle, patient, courageous and extremely wise.

总之勇敢就是爱情的武器为爱情保驾护航。In short courageous love is the love of weapons escort.

这个国家因为它的英勇斗争受益良多。The nation benefited much from his courageous struggle.