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“嗯,给他吧。”阿纳托利说。Well, give it him then, " said Anatole ."

最喜欢的散文家是谁?现在是阿纳托弗朗斯和皮埃尔洛蒂。Who are your favorite prose writers? At the moment, Anatole France and Pierre Loti.

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“请允许我把哥哥介绍给您认识一下,”海伦说道,把视线从娜塔莎一下子转向阿纳托利。"Allow me to introduce my brother, " said Ellen, her eyes shifting uneasily from Natasha to Anatole.

他认出那个不幸的、痛哭失声、虚弱无力、刚被截去腿的人就是阿纳托利·库拉金。In the miserable, sobbing, abject creature, whose leg had just been cut off, he recognised Anatole Kuragin.

阿纳托利很乐意地回答这个法国女人提出的问题,他面露微笑地打量着她。和她谈论有关她祖国的情形。Anatole very readily answered the Frenchwoman , and smiling and staring at her, he talked to her about her native country.

美男子阿纳托利微露笑容,对他自己身旁的舞伴谈着什么话,他朝娜塔莎的面孔瞟了一眼,那目光看来就像有人在望着墙壁似的。The handsome Anatole said something smiling to the lady on his arm, and he glanced at Natasha's face as one looks at a wall.

阿纳托利在书斋里撑着一只臂肘,躺在沙发上,若有所思地露出笑意,温和地、低声地自言自语。Anatole lay down on the sofa in the study, and, propped on his elbows, smiled pensively and murmured something fervently to himself.

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巴拉加是个迩近闻名的三套马车车夫,他认识多洛霍夫和阿纳托利并且用他自己的三套马车侍奉他们差不多六年了。Balaga was a well-known driver, who had known Dolohov and Anatole for the last six years, and driven them in his three-horse sledges.

阿纳多利请娜塔莎跳华尔兹舞,在跳华尔兹舞的时候,他紧紧握着她的腰身和臂膀并且对她说,她十分迷人,他很爱她。Anatole asked Natasha for a waltz, and during the waltz, squeezing her waist and her hand, he told her she was bewitching and that he loved her.

人们扶起他,递给他一杯水,但是他那颤抖着的肿起的嘴唇老挨不到杯子边。It was Anatole they were holding up in their arms and offering a glass of water, the edge of which he could not catch with his trembling, swollen lips.

阿纳托利装出一副衣冠楚楚的军人的典雅的姿态,身子笔直地坐着,他用海狸皮领裹住面孔的下端,稍微低垂着头。Anatole was sitting in the classic pose of military dandies, the lower part of his face muffled in his beaver collar, and his head bent a little forward.

幕间休息时,海伦的包厢里有一阵袭人的寒气,门打开了,阿纳托利弯下身子,尽力不挂着别人,走了进来。IN THE ENTR'ACTE there was a current of chill air in Ellen's box, the door was opened, and Anatole walked in, bending and trying not to brush against any one.

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他用那只大手抓住阿纳托利制服的领子,向左右摇晃,直到阿纳托利脸上现出惊恐万状为止。With his big hand he clutched Anatole by the collar of his uniform, and proceeded to shake him from side to side, till Anatole's face showed a sufficient degree of terror.

阿纳托利从房里走出来,过了几分钟又走回来,他身穿一件束着银腰带的短皮袄,雄赳赳地歪歪地戴着一顶与他那清秀的面孔很相称的貂皮帽子。ANATOLE went out of the room, and a few minutes later he came back wearing a fur pelisse, girt with a silver belt, and a sable cap, jauntily stuck on one side, and very becoming to his handsome face.