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什么是做妻子的责任?。What are wifely duties?

什么是做妻子的责任?A 2 What are wifely duties?

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我们必须对进口货物抽税。We must lay duties on imports.

各司其事。Each attends to his own duties.

基于角色的责任分离。Role-based separation of duties.

每个人都应该尽责任。Everyone should perform his duties.

他们还要对他主人尽应有的义务。And they owed certain duties to him.

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我们忠实地履行了职责。We discharged our duties faithfully.

我们的义务可能超过我们的权利。Our duties may overbalance our rights.

你必须熟悉你的新职责。You must acquaint with your new duties.

负责取货-包装-发货工作。Duties for Picking – Packing – Shipment.

我的职责之一就是踩蝎子。One of my duties was to stomp scorpions.

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可能履行家具修理者的职责。May perform duties of furniture finisher.

美国继续征收碳钢对焊管件反倾销税。US keeps duties on China's pipe fittings.

一个负责任的人从不逃避责任。A responsible man never evades his duties.

把这些衣服拿到洗衣房做你的事情。Do the laundry and get on with your duties.

执行特种任务的警察可以携带武器。Policemen on special duties may carry arms.

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男性会更多地参与家务劳动吗?Will men participate more in household duties?

请对新来的勤杂员说明他的职责。Please put the new office-boy up to his duties.

你作为水手长,在上条船上的主要工作职责是什么?What were your duties on board the last vessel?