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他梦见了一辆旧式的汽车。He dreamed of a horseless carriage.

他曾经梦想着去制造一辆无马行进的车。he dreamed of a horseless carriage.

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“一辆汽车,一辆不用马拉的马车,”哈斯塔解释着。"It's a car. A horseless carriage," explained Hastur.

“一辆汽车,一辆不用马拉的马车,”哈斯塔解释着。"It's a car. A horseless carriage, " explained Hastur.

汽车原来被叫做不用马拉的车子。An automobile was formerly called a horseless carriage.

早期的汽车有时只不过是靠汽油或蒸汽机驱动的无马“马车”而已。Earlyautomobiles were sometimes only "horseless carriages" powered by gasoline or steam engines.

那时候,路上有少数“不用马拉的车辆”。不过,其中的大多数是由电力或蒸汽驱动的。At this time, there were a few " horseless carriages" on the roads, but most of them were driven by electricity or steam.

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年轻的发明家曾因他的好奇心乱篡改东西,付出了被严重烫伤的代价,他梦想着做一个没有马的马车。The young inventor was badly scalded ford's year of curiosity and tinkering paid off. He dreamed of a horseless carriage.

这就像我们驾驶一辆没有马的马车,我们把马车最聪明的部分给拿掉了。It's like when we removed the horses to make horseless carriages, they took away the only intelligent part of the carriage.

福特在好奇和中度过了童年。他一天梦见一辆老式汽车,当他建好它时,这世界的交通运输将永远的改变了。Ford's year of curiosity and tinkering . He dreamed of a horseless carriage. When he built one, the world of transportation was changed forever.

从第一次无马马车呼啸面世,控制引擎速度的某些方式对安全驾驶来说是很重要的。EVER since the first horseless carriage roared noisily to life, some means of controlling the speed of the engine has been a necessity for safe driving.

福特的好奇心和铸补使他获得了不少好处。他梦想有一辆不用马的马车。当他发明出来的时候,整个世界的交通运输从此永远的改变了。Ford's year of curiosity and tinkering paid off. He dreamed of a horseless carriage. When he built one, the world of transportation was changed forever.

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当然,汽车工业的突飞猛进无可阻挡,没过多久,人们就开始用自己的灰色母马交换不使用马匹的车辆了。Of course, there was no stopping the automotive breakthrough, and it wasn't long before people were trading their old gray mares for horseless carriages.

即使在汽车代替马车的大潮中,如果出现金融危机,消费者也没钱买车。No use investing in cars, even if they are replacing horses, if a financial panic makes it impossible for customers to get loans to buy horseless carriages.

但是当施特劳斯忙于履行合同中他的义务加工所需零部件的时候,福特却在他家后面的一个车间里秘密地制造一种不用马拉的小车。But while Strauss was busy carrying out his end of the bargain by machining needed parts, Ford was secretly building a horseless carriage in a workshop behind his house.

后来福特放弃固定工作,整天摆弄他的“没有马的马车”,这就使街坊们更为惊讶了。因为福特夫妇手头拮据,经济是困难的。When he gave up his regular job to work all day on his " horseless carriage, " they were even more shocked, because the Fords did not have much money, and the family was in real need.

不管是什麽原因启发了他,安德鲁‧史密斯‧海里戴在1871年1月17日把「无马的街车」构想付诸实现,后来更在得到财物援助后,进一步实践了缆车系统。Whatever motivated him, Andrew Smith Hallidie patented his design for a " horseless streetcar" on January 17, 1871, and soon arranged financial backing to make a cable car system a reality.

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他们将云计算类比为汽车,将.NET类比为上个世纪80年代末铁路工业的标准化。They begin with an analogy that compares cloud computing to the horseless carriage which rings similar to the .NET analogy years ago of the standardization of the railroad industry in the late 1800’s.