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把它水平地压扁。Let's squish it horizontally.

我打算把它画成水平的。I am going to redraw it horizontally.

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同样也是横向相互联系的。It's also horizontally interconnected.

你为什么把蜡烛横着拿呢?Why did you hold the candle horizontally?

那女子体操运动员平伸双臂。The gymnast extended her arms horizontally.

插入磁带盒横向到传感器。Insert the tape horizontally into the sensor box.

您可以基于年代水平地对数据进行分区。You can partition data horizontally based on age.

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平空旋是身体在空中与地面平行旋转的动作。A flat spin is a spin done horizontally in the air.

水平地移动您的篮子收集蛋。Move your ba sket horizontally to collect the eggs.

取出晾凉,横切成3片备用。Slice each cake round horizontally to make 3 layers.

代琇律师的号角水平地躺在荆棘中。The attorney's horn lies horizontally in the thorns.

律师的角水平在于棘刺。The attorney's horn lies horizontally in the thorns.

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代理律师的号角水平地躺在荆棘中。The attorney’s horn lies horizontally in the thorns.

使用长的锯齿型刀,水平地将每块蛋糕分成两半。Using long serrated knife, halve each cake horizontally.

一段时间,水平选择场地或者空间垂直地。For Space, select Space Horizontally or Space Vertically.

好的地税税种具备横向来看较为公平的税基。A good local tax has a base that is horizontally equitable.

我们就是横着读,竖着写。Let's just read the it horizontally and write it vertically.

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这个值会在用户调整窗口水平大小时更新。The value updates as the user resizes the window horizontally.

蚀变在水平和垂向上具有分带性。Alteration and mineralization zone vertically and horizontally.

你手下的领导者们都应该知道如何进行横向合作以消泯信息孤岛吗?Do your leaders know how to work horizontally and across silos?