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他使他杯中的冰块旋转。He made the ice twirl in his glass.

蜻蜓在飞行中是如何旋转和俯冲的?。How does a dragonfly twirl and dive in flight?

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当我把这个旋转,它发出特殊的音调。When I twirl this around, it produces a particular tone.

几百人在舞厅的舞池里旋转。Several hundred people twirl around the ballroom dance floor.

面试过程中不要摸脸或是抚摸头发。Don't touch your face or twirl your hair during the interview.

由于我的喉舌的转动,我绕遍了无数大千世界。With the twirl of my tongue I encompass worlds and volumes of worlds.

我看着她把短裙套在蓝色牛崽裤上在房间里转游。I watch her twirl off across the room, her tutu tied on over blue jeans.

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一个光谱程序通过让用户转动旋钮来看到发生的事情怎么样呢?A spectrum program that lets users twirl a frequency knob to see what happens?

你千万不要显得无精打采或是用手指卷头发,否则的话,你的面试可能就完蛋了。Don't slouch or twirl your hair once you're there. If you do, you may be done for.

在其中一段视频里,一位男生明显处于困惑状态,但他头上的耳朵仍摇个不停。In one, a small boy appears utterly confused as the ears twirl apparently at random above him.

像转动移动学习卡的技巧,就像一个魔术师表演在这个自由卡过关视频。Learn card tricks like the twirl move to perform like a magician in this free card tricks video.

小时候,我常常在自家后院长满野花的草地上练习芭蕾舞的旋转动作。When I was young, I would twirl around and around in the fields of wildflowers that grew in my backyard.

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一个星期过去了,学校的生活变得越来越顺手,很快地,我就不用看也能转动储物柜的密码。As the weeks went by, it became easier and easier. Pretty soon I could twirl my combination without even looking at it.

外套。来一套贝达弗的大衣和蓝围巾。一套价值1350英镑的大衣,随时准备迎接人生的精彩时刻。Get a Belstaff coat and blue scarf. The coat cost about 1350 pounds. It's got good twirl for those dramatic moments in life.

外套。来一套贝达弗的大衣和蓝围巾。一套价值1350英镑的大衣,让你的日常生活也宛如站在舞台中央。Get a Belstaff coat and blue scarf. The coat cost about 1350 pounds. It's got good twirl for those dramatic moments in life.

他们有时会用长喙衔些野草或者一块木头,转着圆圈,击打水面。They also sometimes pick up weeds or a piece of wood with their beaks, twirl in a circle, and smash the object on the water.

这些涡系扭转地磁南北极的地磁力线,使得极光产生波痕变化。These vortices twirl Earth's magnetic field lines in the North and South Poles, where they can create bright ripples and whirls in auroras.

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接着音乐就又开始了,他们就笑着握着别人的胳膊在地板上绕着圈。Then the music would start and they would laugh and take each other's arms and twirl over the floor, these old people, lost in the sepia-colored music I was hearing.

后来,专业的发型设计师弗拉维雅?阿巴斯将会挑起头发,并将其旋转吹干,这样让你的头发看起来像绸缎一样闪着健康柔和的光,并且让你感觉它薄如空气。Afterwards, professional stylist Flavian Abbas will tease, twirl and boost roots for a blow dry that will leave your hair looking silken, shining with health and feeling light as air.

将浸泡过的大豆加到本机料斗中,经过料筛进入脱皮胶轮中,并在旋转的同时进行摩擦将大豆皮去掉,同时将皮和豆分开。Put the soaked soybeans in the hopper, then the soybeans will enter in the peeling tires through the sieve. The tires twirl to peel the soybeans and separate the skin from the peeled soybeans.