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这种学派后来被称为包豪斯学派。That is the genre what later called Bauhaus.

包豪斯风格的建筑本身就是艺术品。The architecture in Bauhaus style is a piece of art in itself.

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包豪斯的设计从房屋到茶壶、台灯,汗牛充栋无所不包。From housing to the Bauhaus design teapot lamp, voluminous all-encompassing.

德桑市长成功争取到了包豪斯向他的城市转移的机会。The Mayor of Dessau succeeded in securing the transfer of the Bauhaus to his town.

德国包豪斯造型学院倡导的艺术改变了世人的既定设计思维模式。The Bauhaus school of design in Germany changed the way that the world thought about design.

正如大部分的艺术运动都始于某些宣言一样,包豪斯学派也有着乌托邦式的色彩。As with most art movements that begin with manifestos, the Bauhaus school had a Utopian element.

同样地,他们也不可能不在风筝节看到包豪斯的学生。Much in the same way one could not possibly fail to see the pupils of bauhaus during drachenfest.

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包豪斯是一所包含有设计,建筑和工艺技术教育的学校,在1919年由瓦尔特“格罗皮乌斯建于魏玛。The Bauhaus was a school of design, building, and craftsmanship founded by Walter Gropius in Weimar in 1919.

包豪斯是一个时代的创新和技术成果,在建筑、设计和艺术上一种新的阐释。The Bauhaus was an era of innovation and technical achievements, a new clarity in architecture, design and art.

引用不同的包豪斯概念并成功地将它们结合起来,创造出了一个新的,现代化的一般方法。References to various Bauhaus concepts are successfully combined to create a new, contemporary general approach.

提升推拉门突显包豪斯格调,是现代华宅展露品味和个性的首选。Lift-slide doors highlight the Bauhaus style, showing off the modern home on the preferred taste and personality.

该建筑风格是基于著名的包豪斯艺术学校在1919年至1933年间采取的教学理念。The building style is based on the teachings of the renowned Bauhaus art school, which ran between 1919 and 1933.

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文远楼建造于1954年,是全国惟一的一栋包豪斯风格的历史文化建筑。Wen Yuan Building, constructed in 1954, is the only historical and cultural construction in Bauhaus style in China.

当Bauhaus学派采纳Sullivan的"形式跟随功能"的时候,他们指的是,形式应该跟随功能.When Bauhaus designers adopted Sullivan's "form follows function," what they meant was, form should follow function.

在飞机旅行的年代,人们视未来为这类明亮、闪耀的事物。这是包豪斯或者现代主义风格。In the age of airplane travel, people saw the future as this bright, shiny thing. This was the Bauhaus or Modernist style.

标识设计成为线和“几何抽象”包豪斯艺术家和教师约瑟夫阿尔伯斯表示敬意。The identity design became a tribute to the line and the "geometric abstraction" of Bauhaus artist and teacher Josef Albers.

2011年初,由德国包豪斯大学城市学硕士、同济大学建筑学硕士叶曼女士创立。Yemann, Master of Urban Design at Bauhaus University and Master of Architecture at TongjiUniversity, at the beginning of 2011.

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现代建筑师和建筑教育家,现代主义建筑学派的倡导人之一,包豪斯的创办人。Modern architects and architectural educators, school of modern architecture, one of the initiative, the founder of the Bauhaus.

在我们看来,新包豪斯博物馆需要为作为连接公园日常生活的要素提供可能。In our opinion, the New Bauhaus Museum needs to provide the possibility to become a connecting element with daily life in the Park.

评论家曾说过,弗兰克盖瑞从一堆褶皱的稿纸中得到灵感。The Bauhaus got its inspiration from engineering. Critics have said Frank Gehry gets his inspiration from crumpled pieces of paper.