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因为牙膏中含有研磨剂,去污力十分强。Because of toothpaste containing abrasives, detergency is very strong.

电导活化能与洗涤效果之间有一定的关系。There was a relationship between the conductance activation energy and detergency.

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进一步,将此种去污力与实际污布在洗衣机中的去污力进行了比较。The effect of soil composition, substrate and washing condition on detergency is discussed.

卓越的分散清净性,保持发动机清洁并有效保存动力。Excellent dispersancy and detergency keeping the engine clean and thus preserving its power.

对香波和浴液的泡沫、洗净力、皮肤光滑度等功能进行了评价。The functions on foam, detergency and skin smooth of shampoo and bath lotions were evaluated.

采用M111发动机台架试验和行车试验,考察了中国汽油的清净性。The detergency performance of Chinese gasoline was investigated by M111 engine bench and road tests.

去污实验表明,抗再沉积剂的加入可以提高洗衣粉的去污力。Washing tests show that anti-redeposition agents can enhance the detergency power of laundry powder.

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考察了游离烷基酚对水杨酸盐的清净性和抗氧化性的影响。The effect of free alkylphenol on detergency and oxidation resistence of salicylate was investigated.

洗涤条件影响脂肪酶去污效果是由于它对酶相对活性的影响。Reason for washing conditions influence detergency performance of lipases is due to change of enzyme activity.

通过循环洗涤方法评价洗涤剂的二次去污能力。The detergency of some powdered laundry detergents and been evaluated by the results of the related recycle washings.

极佳的清净分散性,出众的发动沉积物控制,有效保持发动机清洁,减少磨损。Excellent detergency and dispersancy outstanding launch sediment control, effectively maintain engine clean, reduce wear.

同时,根据试验结果制定了通用油清净性通过指标为清净性评分不小于69.2。At the same time, based on the test results, detergency pass index of not less than 69.2 for amphibian oils was determined.

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优良的清净分散性和抗氧化性,防止发动机产生沉积物和漆膜,保持发动机清洁。Excellent detergency and scattered anti-gasification, to prevent sediments and produce engines Film and maintain engine cleanliness.

出色的氧化稳定性,耐热性和清净性能AMSOIL合成公式保持欧洲汽车发动机清洁。The excellent oxidation stability, heat resistance and detergency properties of AMSOIL Synthetic European Car Formula keep engines clean.

结果表明用该配方调制出的柴油机油具有良好的高温清净分散性和较高的应用价值。The results indicate that diesel engine oil according to this formula has ideal detergency and dispersancy on high temperature and upper applied value.

介绍了板式成焦器的原理和改进,以及应用改进后的板式成焦器对CC柴油机油清净性的评价。The principle and improvement of panel coker as well as the evaluation on the detergency of CC diesel engine oil by improved panel coker were described.

良好的密封环和清净减少了存款形成材料,进入曲轴箱,因而延长了使用寿命曲轴箱油。Good ring sealing and detergency reduces the volume of the deposit forming materials that enter the crankcase, there-by extending the useful life of the crankcase oil.

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本文介绍了几种二冲程摩托车专用润滑油在轻骑AG50型轻便摩托车上的野外行车清净性试验研究。This paper reported the investigation on the detergency properties of several commercial two-stroke motorcycle oils which were used on Oingqi AG50 motorcycle in field test.

用以配制的柔软型洗衣粉,对棉、麻、羊毛、合纤织物具有良好的洗净效果,使洗后织物柔软、滑爽、穿用舒适感强。The detergency of detergents with the softener-HPN is excellent for cotton, linen, woolen and synthetic fabrics. It makes the fabrics soft, smooth and confortable after washing.

实际评定试验中整套装置运行稳定、可靠,已成功用于TC-W3高档水冷二冲程汽油机油的清净性评定。The all test system works well in the actual operation, which has been successful used as the evaluating detergency test for TC-W3 grade water-cooled two-stroke gasoline engine oils.