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有些女人的举止从来不像女人。Some women never act very ladylike.

她文雅地一小口一小口喝着葡萄酒。She drank her wine with small ladylike sips.

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当然,她要以一种很高尚的姿态来做这些。Of course, she would do it all in a ladylike way.

这样骑起来当然容易些,只是不像女士所为。This was obviously easier for riding, but not very ladylike.

比如叫“钻石”的是一只黑猫,戴粉色蝴蝶结,扮成女孩的形象。Diamond the black kitten is ladylike and decks out in pink bows.

据推测,作为一个年轻男人他一定有一个很女性化的面孔。He must have had, it is conjectured, a rather ladylike appearance as a young man.

在那个时代,一旦你结婚了还出去工作被认为是不娴淑的。In those days it was not considered ladylike to go to work once you were married.

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也许,有人认为象我这样的大家闺秀应该承担更多的社会责任。Maybe, somebody think I girl who is ladylike me should take much more social responsibility.

至少下意识里,他们感觉在茶坊读一本书意味着她们淑女或绅士。At least in subconscious, they feel reading a book in tea shop means they are ladylike or gentler.

我不明白塔姆荪那样一个安静,温雅的姑娘,可肯把这样一件终身大事,这样马马虎虎地办了。Well, i can't understand a quiet ladylike little body like tamsin caring to be married in such a mean way.

在搬离之前,沃佳诺娃参加了模特学校,从那里她学会了淑女般的举止和礼仪。Just before moving, Vodianova enrolled in a modeling academy, where she learned ladylike behavior and etiquette.

然而,这些观察仍然没有构成确切的证据证明通过阻止雌激素,甲胎蛋白帮助雌鼠保持其雌性的特征。These observations still didn't constitute definitive proof that AFP helped female mice stay ladylike by blocking estrogen, however.

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如果真是这样,作为一个有自知之名的优雅的淑女,你应该降低你的要求,计划一个符合你俩收入水平的朴素的婚礼。If this is the case, it would be most ladylike and gracious to lower your sights and have a modest wedding as befits both your incomes.

一样身穿银色礼服,这位超模用性感的图案印花和露跟鞋以及波浪卷发来使得她淑女的闪亮连衣裙出挑。Also showing some skin in silver, the supermodel balances her ladylike high-shine frock with sexy patterned cutouts, black slingbacks and crimped waves.

好莱坞女星威诺娜·赖德平常总是喜欢穿蓝色的牛仔服和紧身背心,但她在2002年因被指控在商店里行窃而出庭受审时,却穿了一件正统的黑衬衫,显得很端庄。Winona Ryder, usually seen in blue jeans and tight tops, was buttoned into ladylike outfits by Marc Jacobs for her trial on shoplifting charges in Los Angeles in 2002.

性感和奇趣的睡衣融入奇幻世界。受到日本潮流影响,在整整有条的淑女态度中,轻轻点缀了媚俗美。这个小幽默改变了年轻人的高贵定义。A wondrous world for sexy lingerie & quirky sleepwear. From prim & ladylike to kitsch with Japanese influences. A surprising dose of humour for luxury with you ng appeal.

杰奎琳服装中最知名的是她端庄贤淑的小礼帽和西装裙,在当时黑白电视背景下,她明智地选择了浅色衣服,而且她也敢于穿私校式样的短裤。Best known for her ladylike pillbox hats and skirt suits, she chose pale colours that would look good in black-and-white and wasn't afraid to take risks in preppy cropped pants.

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吴先生的时服经常被称为属于年代较早的贵妇型,即抛光的夹克、有花边、收腰、印花的喇叭短裙。Mr. Wu’s clothes are most often described as ladylike and seem to belong to an earlier era, meaning polished jackets, flower prints and dresses with nipped waists and teacup skirts.

因为她们之前当做娇柔或淑女型的女孩子来教育,但使得有着个性的女孩变为脾气火爆的女士是自身一向独来独往、我行我素所导致的结果。Because they were taught as little girls that it was feminine or ladylike. But what's charming in a little girl becomes irritating in a grown woman trying to make her way in the world.

如果你的父母不能掏很多钱为你筹办婚礼,你最好还是贤淑一些,把眼光放低,办一场更适合你俩收入的婚礼。If your parents are unable to contribute very much towards the cost of your wedding, it would be most ladylike and gracious to lower your sights and have a modest wedding as befits both your incomes.