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阿连锁经营的润滑巢争夺。A nest vie of lubricator operating linkage.

农民们甚至竞争获得“上电视”的机会。”Farmers even vie for the privilege of appearing 'on TV'.

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法国女演员玛丽昂·歌迪亚因玫瑰人生获奥斯卡最佳女演员奖。French actress Marion Cotillard won the Oscar for best actress Vie enrose"."

为了能让投资人再看一眼,每个计划都要和其他计划形成竞争之势。Each plan has to vie with many others just to get a second look from investors.

乘坐公共汽车应先下后上,勿争先恐后,勿挤逼抢位。Should take after the bus , not to vie with each other , not bicheng bit crowded.

几家政党相互争着为自己多拉选票。Several political parties vie with each other in pulling more votes for themselves.

法国女演员玛丽昂·歌迪亚因玫瑰人生获奥斯卡最佳女演员奖。French actress Marion Cotillard won the Oscar for best actress in "la Vie en rose ".

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告诉我们“苦艾酒”和“生活”表演的地方的情况。Tell us the status of the place where the shows of "Absinthe" and "La Vie" are presented.

中国渔船世世代代在南沙群岛万安滩海域作业。Chinese fishing boats in nansha islands vie throughout your generations of waters homework.

桃树、杏树、梨树,你不让我,我不让你,都开满了花赶趟儿。The peach trees, apricot trees, and pear trees seem to vie against each other in blossoming.

经过布线、焊接、调试等工作后数字抢答器成形。Through connect up , weld , debug figure vie for answering device take shape after the work.

因为他们并不想在狼群中取得地位,所以达奇尔夫妇赢得了狼的信任。While they didn't vie for a position within the pack, the Dutchers gained the wolves' trust.

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私立英语教育机构,学习的教辅和高价的私人教师都在争抢这个市场。English private schools, study gadgets, and high-priced tutors vie for pieces of that market.

当地官员们时常要为他们最新的蠢事争取他的肯定。Local officials frequently vie for his endorsement of their latest architectural boondoggles.

这可与北京的王府井争冠军,争世界冠军去!In this respect, it can vie with Wangfujing of Beijing for championship , or world championship.

印度与中国争夺在印度洋的影响力,而俄罗斯与中国争夺在中亚的影响力。India and China vie for influence in the Indian Ocean, Russia and China compete in Central Asia.

从文化适应的角度来看待和分析这些矛盾,也许可以找到新的突破口,当然,这只是一种尝试而已。Vie may to find a new breach to think and analyze the contradiction by the view of acculturation.

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官方称,这个已经存在的VIE是违反中国监管和国家政策的。Officials said that the very existence of a VIE contravened Chinese management and public policies.

从地缘政治和地缘经济的角度看,两国在世界范围争夺石油资源在所难免。In view of geopolitics and geo-economics, it is unavoidable for the two to vie for energy worldwide.

而如何在与航空公司网站的竞争中保持转化率是其面临的挑战。Their challenge will be to keep the conversions going as they vie with airline websites for dominance.