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这是一个重要的折衷主义的时期。This was a period of great eclecticism.

哲学课上,我们连续用折衷主义分析题目。In philosophy class, we're practicing eclecticism.

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哲学课上,我们连续用折衷主义分析问题。In philosophy class, we're practicing eclecticism.

装饰品表明全球市场的折衷和兼容。Decorations show the eclecticism of the global market.

如此一来,正像其他许多领域一样,折衷主义行不通。In this, as in so many other realms, eclecticism is misplaced.

折衷主义是原理,方法或各种消息来源的使用。Eclecticism is the use of doctrines, methods, or styles from various sources.

这些设计中的兼收并蓄意味着难以界定一个总体的风格。The eclecticism of the designs means it is difficult to define one overall look.

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这一概念的教学方法导致倡导折衷主义在上世纪80年代。This concept of teaching methods led to the advocacy of eclecticism in the 1980s.

梁漱溟这一早期文化观的实质就是折中主义。The essence of Liang Shuming's opinion of culture in his early period is eclecticism.

毕竟,这种漫不经心的折衷主义世界观是有其迷人之处的。There was, after all, something charming about the blithe eclecticism of this worldview.

而这种文化调和主义的立场又使得梁漱溟在理论上陷入一种自相矛盾的困境。Unfortunately, this kind of eclecticism made him into a trap of an embarrassing position.

实际上,中和并非折中主义,它有着存在的余地和一定的合理性。In fact, the former is not eclecticism and there is room for its existence due to its rationality.

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把“中立”当作折中主义而加以批判和彻底抛弃是不妥当的。It's not appropriate to regard neutralism as eclecticism and then criticize or thoroughly abandon it.

西方关于刑罚目的的思想主要有报应主义、预防主义、折衷主义。The main thoughts of penalty objectives in the west are retributionalism, precautionalism and eclecticism.

关于这点,应当结合各国的实际情况来认定,从我国的实际情况出发,应采以主观说为基础,兼采客观说的折衷说。From our country's practice, we should take the eclecticism which base on subjectivism and take some opinions of objectivism.

从心理咨询与治疗的整合研究中获得的“折衷主义的元理论态度”对于教学知识体系的整合研究是可行的。The meta-theoretical attitude of eclecticism attained from the study on integration of consultation methods may be feasible to systematize the course.

他们听到的像是德奥音乐的历史,却经过扭曲,或以嘲讽的方式再叙述一遍---他们称之为无耻的折衷主义。They heard what seemed like the history of German-Austrian music, recapitulated in ironic or distorted terms – and they called it shameful eclecticism.

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柏林融合了180多个民族,它就像一块磁铁吸引着那些崇尚自由的生活方式、折中之道和艺术自由的人们。Being home to people from over 180 nations, Berlin is a magnet for individuals who are attracted by its liberal lifestyle, urban eclecticism , and artistic freedom.

在具体展开折衷主义元理论态度的两个整合策略的基础上,提出了关于创造力理解的四个理解层级。Based on the unfolding of the two integrating strategies rooted in the eclecticism meta-theoretical attitude, four understanding layers on creativity are put forward.

同时又在三个方面对葛兰西的文化领导权理论进行了改造,即哲学上的反本质主义改造,立场上的折衷主义改造和文化上的多元主义改造。At the same time, it remakes the Gramsci's theory of the cultural leadership by way of anti-essentialism in philosophy, eclecticism in standpoint, pluralism in culture.