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第三章是对符号化消费行为的历史性综述。The third chapter is the review of the history of symbolization.

因此,地图符号化也是地理信息系统的重要内容之一。Accordingly map symbolization is one of important matters of GIS.

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海子之死是后新诗潮的沉重象征。The death of Hai Zi is a heavy symbolization of post-new-poem-tide.

钟表业。测时仪器。控制位置的符号表示。Horology . timekeeping instruments . symbolization of control positions.

当指涉运动发生时,象征和直接指涉物都发生了改变。As referent movement occurs, both symbolization and direct referent change.

在这里,我将只讨论一些经常出现在日常生活中的象征。Here I'll only discuss some symbolization that frequently appears in daily life.

集客运码头、游览观光、城市标志为一体。This project is integrated with passenger pier, touring and city symbolization building.

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而画面中的形象则是通过人物的变形符号化的方式来完成的。However, the characters in the work are achieved by the symbolization of their distortion.

它使中国的象形文字彻底从象形化走向抽象化、符号化。It makes Chinese pictograph completely evolve from image to abstractness and symbolization.

荒诞派戏剧产生荒诞感的重要原因是基于象征手段的极端化。The absurdity of theatre of the absurd results, in part, from the radical ways of symbolization.

宇宙意识、象征之道、音乐的灵魂,是中国纯诗最本质的生命形态。Awareness of the cosmos, symbolization and musical rhythms are the essence of China's pure poems.

不为炫耀,也不仅是一种象征,只为实现心中那份深藏的欧陆情结。Not want to flaunt, nor symbolization only, but want to realize European love knot deep in heart.

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本文从色彩这一角度来分析作者的写作技巧和象征意义。Analyses the author's writing techniques and the symbolization from the angle of color description.

并利用该方法实现了对金融领域时间序列数据的符号化转换。Effectiveness of this method has been verified by the symbolization of sample financial time series.

第四个定义由拉康引入,他将弗洛伊德对象征化的符号定义往前推进。A fourth definition was introduced by Lacan who radicalized Freud's semiotic definition of symbolization.

象征型艺术物质因素超过了精神因素,理念显现不明确不稳定。Symbolization art matter factor surpassed spiritual factor, whose idea was apparently unclear or unstable.

通过文献资料法,对干戚舞干、戚演化与象征进行考证。Through literature review, this paper investigated the evolution and symbolization of Gan and Qi of GanQi dance.

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这,恐怕谁也说不准吧?因为这都只是修饰,只是无谓地具象化而已,它还是无形,却深深影响我们的。I'm afraid this who knows? Because it is just symbolization unnecessarily it is intangible but influence us deeply.

80年代的先锋小说创作时期,余华在人物描写上采取的是一种人物符号化的先锋叙事策略。In his pioneer writings in 1980s , Yua Hua adopted a pioneer narrative policy of image symbolization to depict images.

最后,应用地图符号理论对地图集符号系统的构图规律进行了研究。Furthermore, applying the theory of cartographic symbolization, the construction rules of atlas symbolization are studied.