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平底锅里加入2汤匙油。Add 2 tablespoon oil to pan.

睡前要喝满满一大勺。One tablespoon to be taken at bed-time.

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每只锅中放入1大汤匙黄油。Add 1 tablespoon butter to each skillet.

烧热炒锅,入半勺沙拉油加热。Heat up a skillet with half tablespoon of oil.

用圆汤匙将材料挖至烘培纸上。Drop by rounded tablespoon onto ungreased baking sheets.

在一只大的不粘锅中高火加热一大汤匙油。Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large nonstick skillet over high heat.

一天一勺更可防止眼干、眼燥以及眼胀。Take one tablespoon a day if your eyes get dry, irritated or puffy.

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这个实验你只需要这一杯水和一汤匙的蜂蜜。This and a tablespoon of honey are all you need for the first test.

在浇头中加入剩下的1茶勺洋李汁和1茶勺醋。Add remaining 1 tablespoon prune juice and 1 teaspoon vinegar to pan.

镬内烧油1汤匙,加入所有材料与调味料炒匀,上碟。Heat 1 tablespoon oil in wok, stir fry all the vegetables with seasonings.

将吉利片放到5大勺水里浸泡10分钟直到软身。Soak the gelatine sheets in 5 tablespoon of water for 10 minutes till soft.

将3汤勺的酪饼馅料和少许草莓片涂于饼干上。Spread 3 tablespoon cheesecake filling and a few strawberry slices on a cookie.

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将一大汤匙柠檬汁和五片研碎的阿斯匹林混合并涂到老茧上。Mix five crushed aspirin with one tablespoon of lemon juice and rub into calluses.

准备一锅滚水,将绿花椰菜、红萝卜放入滚水中烫熟,并加入一匙盐。Boil a pot of water, then add the broccoli and carrot slices. Add a tablespoon of salt.

只要一汤匙橙色或佳得乐,早上8盎司的水混合的果汁,。Just one tablespoon in the morning mixed with 8 oz of juice, water, or orange Gatorade.

同时,用中火和桃心铸铁锅加热另外一汤勺橄榄油。Meanwhile, heat remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil in the heart cocotte over medium heat.

将小苏打和粗糖各一汤勺混合可以做成一种清洗毛孔剂,Borba介绍说。Mix a tablespoon each of baking soda and raw sugar for a pore-opening scrub, Borba says.

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把鸡肉,蛋白和1汤匙的生粉揉匀。放置在冰箱静置。Combine the chicken, egg white and 1 tablespoon of the cornflour. Set aside in the fridge.

我先放了一汤勺的食用油然后把切好的土豆丝放进锅里。I would like to put a tablespoon of cooking oil and then cut the potatoes into the pot silk.

将1汤匙乳清干酪均匀抹在一半的小肉桂葡萄干面包圈上。Spread 1 tablespoon part-skim ricotta cheese over one-half of a small cinnamon-raisin bagel.