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答案五花八门Okay, interesting mix.

有趣吗?Interesting? Definitely.

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间隙“是个很有趣的说法。It's an interesting term.

嗯,这很有意思。Well, that's interesting.

学习能够变得更有趣。Learing can be interesting.

这本书多有趣儿呀!How interesting the book is!

它是一个有趣的噱头。It's an interesting gimmick.

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宫殿非常有意思。Palace was very interesting.

物理课很有趣。Physics is very interesting.

这很耐人寻味。Well, it's very interesting.

这看上去蛮有意思的。It seems sort of interesting.

这很有意思,我们的一个员工。There's an interesting story.

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这是对有趣的搭配。This is an interesting match.

这是很有趣的一点。This is an interesting point.

那里的一切都趣味盎然。What is there is interesting.

这是一个何等有趣儿的故事啊!How interesting a story it is!

我看了一个有趣的访谈节目。I sawan interesting talk show.

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有趣的帖线引用。Interesting thread you quoted.

有趣的还多着呢。More interesting things ahead.

给我们讲点有趣的事吧。Tell us something interesting.