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他们聊了一会儿。They talked awhile.

和我一起呆一会儿吧。Bide with me awhile.

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的确,这要花上一阵子。It’s gonna take awhile.

马蒂尔德——不了一会儿。Matilde- not for awhile.

公共汽车还要一会儿才会来。The bus is not due yet awhile.

又过了一会儿,就到该离开的时候了。After awhile it was time to go.

我学微积分已经有一段时间了。It's been awhile since I did calculus.

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直到你的到来,并与我小坐片刻。Until you come and sit awhile with me.

我并不期待这一点能够很快改变。I don't expect this to change for awhile.

损害一个强大的品牌可能只需要一朝一夕。It can take awhile to damage a strong brand.

我们沉默地紧靠在一起一会儿。We all huddled together for awhile in silence.

他还来到耶鲁大学进修了一段时间神学He was educated in Theology at Yale for awhile.

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这后来让她的好朋友约翰有些烦恼。It annoyed her best friend Johnny after awhile.

我们将休息片刻,然后继续徒步旅行。We will erst awhile before continuing our hike.

达尔文已经很久没有这么近距离的看见过姚明了。Darvin had not seen Yao Ming up close for awhile.

它也可能是你暂时还没有做的某件事。It could be something you haven’t done in awhile.

你或会暂歇,想起“苦女子”Then you may pause awhile and think, “Poor jade!”

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上帝握着我的手,我们沉默无语。GOD’s hand took mine and we were silent for awhile.

对不起,我要权时离开一下,约莫是5分钟时间。Will you excuse me for awhile?It is about 5minutes.

但是不一会儿,湖上起了一场大风暴。But after awhile a big windstorm blew onto the lake.