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你能用筷子吗?Can you use chopsticks?

不要舔舐筷子。Licking your chopsticks.

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筷子都是成双的。Chopsticks come in pairs.

中国人幽筷子用饭。Chinese eat with chopsticks.

是啊,还有金筷子呀。Yes, even gold chopsticks here.

中国人用筷子吃饭。The Chinese eat with chopsticks.

一个筷子想到了一个主意。One chopsticks thought of an idea.

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还少一双筷子。We still lack a pair of chopsticks.

可以。但试试用筷子吃面条。Yes. But try chopsticks for noodles.

莎翁比萨饼,免费提供筷子。Shakespeare's Pizza. Free chopsticks.

你会使用“公筷”吗?。Will you use the "public chopsticks"?

我用筷子去通排水孔。I used chopsticks to unclog the drain.

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我不会用筷子,我需要一把勺子。I can't use chopsticks. I need a spoon.

没人生来就会使用筷子。Using chopsticks doesn't come naturally.

外宾们纷纷试着使筷子。The foreign guests are trying chopsticks.

这些木筷是由树做成的。These wooden chopsticks are made of trees.

许多外国人已习惯使用筷子。Many foreigners have got used to chopsticks.

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我一直在自己夹菜吃呢。I've been eating with chopsticks to add food.

我看我还是去学筷子舞吧。I think I'd better learn the chopsticks dance.

请你教我如何使用筷子好吗?Would you please show me how touse chopsticks?