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美国1828年总统大选U.S. presidential election, 1828

总统套房另外还有些什么设施呢?What extras come with a presidential suite?

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哇,似乎是个。Wow, this sounds like a presidential debate.

首先让我们来看总统选举制。Let’s consider the presidential system first.

陈庆炎当选新加坡新总统。Tony Tan wins Singapore presidential election.

2006年后,他在总统选举中所向披靡。Later in 2006, he swept presidential elections.

朝鲜矿业开发公司也被列入总统行政命令。KOMID was also listed in the presidential order.

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那总统套房是多少美元一个晚上呢?And how much is a presidential suite for a night?

总统的冒名顶替者尚未被找到。The presidential impersonator has not been found.

但到了1992年11月,他在大选中脱颖而出,一举夺魁。In November 1992, he won the presidential election.

这名总统候选人的门户之见似乎很深。The presidential candidate seemed to be very partisan.

如果说总统是在掩盖什么,那可能有点小题大作了。As presidential cover-ups go, it may be splitting hairs.

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乌克兰大选结果的争论仍在继续。Disputes over Ukraine's presidential election rumbled on.

这位总统候选人在选举中输了。The presidential candidate took a beating in the runoffs.

至此,有四十四个美国人发出总统誓言。Forty-four Americans have now taken the presidential oath.

大雾突然笼罩了总统的休养地。A heavy fog had suddenly enveloped the Presidential retreat.

但是总统的果断无法改变一个更真的事实。But presidential decisiveness cannot conceal a deeper truth.

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他拒绝参选连任第三任总统使这一点得到牢固确立。His refusal to seek a third presidential term cemented that.

瓦塔拉是联合国认可的去年11月总统选举的获胜者。N. -certified winner of a presidential vote in November. Mr.

总统的多数法令无法得到执行。The majority of presidential decrees do not get implemented.