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约翰的谈话有几分瞎吹胡说。What John talks is boastful and nonsensical in a fashion.

在我看来,罗伯特爵士的争辩纯属瞎说。It seemed to me that Sir Robert's arguments were nonsensical.

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正因为他们只想到张三,他们为此所鼓吹的便成了倒行逆施的荒谬政策。And because they think only of Joe Smith, they end by advocating reactionary and nonsensical policies.

我认为那次飞车事件只是一次无聊的媒体新闻炒作。I think that incident in the car on the estate was one of those nonsensical things built up by the press.

解决这个问题的一个好办法就是编造一份充满了荒谬规则和条例的重要政策手册。A good way to do this is to give them a weighty policy manual filled with nonsensical rules and regulations.

但在当代的中国,骆对古老的中国传统美德的遵守在官方的眼里却毫无意义。But in contemporary China, Locke's apparent conformity with old-fashioned Chinese virtues is virtually nonsensical.

因为我们喝了能溶解牙齿的东西,所以一定会伤害到我们的牙齿,这种想法真是无稽之谈。The idea that any substance which can dissolve teeth must therefore damage our teeth if we drink it is nonsensical.

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它之所以被称作这个名字是因为,这些通常没什么意义的诗歌成了一种聚会上的游戏。The reason limericks began being called limericks was that these often nonsensical poems became a kind of party game.

为这些荒谬的违法行为付出的罚款已经足够雇佣多一个员工。The fines paid to cover these nonsensical violations could very well add up to enough money to hire an additional employee.

沉重色彩的使用是这幅无意识又儿戏的及带有达达风格画布上用的新尝试。The heavy use of opaque acrylic colours reveals experimentation of new medium in this nonsensical and Dada influenced canvas.

下面的四个例子展示了消费者是以怎样非理性、有时候甚至疯狂的方式买东西的。Here are four examples of how consumers make purchasing decisions in highly irrational, sometimes completely nonsensical ways.

在那次会议上,他做了长达90分钟的演讲,以一种荒谬的叫喊方式痛斥西方的丑恶嘴脸,攻击西方世界的道德堕落。On that occasion, he harangued the West for more than 90 minutes, attacking its moral bankruptcy in an often nonsensical rant.

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在增加储蓄必定导致工资提高的观点之下,反对储蓄显得如此荒谬。It is thus nonsensical to oppose savings on the grounds that an increase in savings will necessarily lead to a decrease in wages.

我提到的这些事情,都是从根源上说起,目的在驳斥那个荒谬绝伦的无稽之谈,什麽两千年的古老苏非体系。I have mentioned all this in terms of its roots, to demythologise the absolute nonsensical myth of it being a 2000 year old Sufi system.

几周来,右翼评论家声称他的改革会导致“死亡专家组”和其他一些滑稽的后果,这些评论很荒谬但令人担忧。For weeks , right-wing critics have made nonsensical but alarming claims that his reforms will lead to "death panels " and other travesties.

欧洲当局由于在许多方面确立了“多数通过”规则而高兴,但这几乎和绝大多数是非争论一样自私,一样毫无意义。Yet the Euro-establishment’s delight in lots more majority voting is just as nonsensical and self-serving as most of the Yes and No arguments.

他感激不尽地接受中国领导人所说的一切,从不深究,特别是其毫无意义断章取义的中国历史版本。He gratefully accepts whatever the Chinese leaders tell him at face value, especially their nonsensical self-serving version of Chinese history.

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但在当代的中国,骆对古老的中国传统美德的遵守在官方的眼里却毫无意义。But in contemporary China, Locke's apparent conformity with old-fashioned Chinese virtues is virtually nonsensical. Or, as one commentator put it

我心里不许多感触,可是找不到一个人可以倾诉,也没有个吉英来安慰安慰我,说我并不象我自己所想象的那样懦弱,虚荣和荒诞!And with no one to speak to of what I felt, no Jane to comfort me and say that I had not been so very weak and vain and nonsensical as I knew I had!

这部电影里大部分主要的情节点都同时发生而又是荒谬的——为什么我们会突然看到设置在北极的惊险场景?It gives us a movie in which most of the major plot points are simultaneously nonsensical – Why are we suddenly watching a thriller set in the arctic?