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没有人能够胁迫我们。No one can intimidate us.

这吓不倒我们。This cannot intimidate us.

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可别让这些数学术语把你吓倒。Do not let the math jargon intimidate you.

女人的一瞥就足以使我惶恐不已。A woman's glance is enough to intimidate me.

居然以为他们可以在我自己的地盘上吓唬我。Think they can intimidate me in my own place.

恐吓地或轻蔑地讲话。To intimidate or dominate in a blustering way.

你可以装好刺刀后恫吓你的仇家。You can intimidate your foe with the bayonet mounted.

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在一个满是陌生人的聚会里你会感到局促不安吗?Does a room full of strangers at party intimidate you?

行事激进的雅格先生倾向于威逼员工。The aggressive Mr Jager tended to intimidate employees.

别拿大帽子压人。Don't you try to intimidate people by pinning labels on them.

女律师们常常会吓跑男士,并且自得其乐。Female lawyers have a tendency to intimidate men, and enjoy it.

更极端的是,这种策略甚至会让人身险恐惧。Taken to an extreme, this strategy can intimidate and terrorize.

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我从来不吓唬老百姓,只吓唬那些贪官污吏。I don't intimidate the public, I only intimidate those corrupt officials.

它有一套蒙骗、恐吓、胁迫群众的精神“紧箍咒”。It had a set of mental shackles to deceive, threaten and intimidate people.

在一边是你的敌人,法律,政权,纳粹党,在恐吓你。On the one hand, your enemies, the law, the regime, the Party, intimidate you.

中国应该管好自己的事,而且不要试着去恐吓其领居们。China should mind its own business and stop trying to intimidate its neighbors.

如果你想用威胁来恐吓我们,后果将会严重到出乎你的意料。If you try to intimidate us by threats, you'll get more than you bargained for.

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这是骚扰者用来羞辱、恐吓或者让攻击目标闭嘴的一种策略。It's a maneuver harassers use to humiliate, intimidate or silence their targets.

没有经过授权的警察,军队利用恶棍来恐吓他的批评者。With the police out of commission, the army uses thugs to intimidate its critics.

该法的批评人士说,新的法律将允许联邦安全局对批评政府的人士进行恐吓。Critics say the new law will allow the FSB to intimidate critics of the government.