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他不要报酬。He forbore claiming the reward.

我忍住没有拿钱。I forbore from taking the money.

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他克制自己不发问。He forbore from asking questions.

他不忍杀戮我,我又安忍射他?Can I bear to shoot down the man who forbore to kill me?

抗议者绝大多数没有投掷石头和蓄意破坏。Protesters largely forbore from stone-throwing and vandalism.

玛丽安正想反驳,但她记起了自己的诺言,便。Marianne was going to retort, but she remembered her promises and forbore.

第五次是她容忍了软弱,而把她的忍受称为坚强。The fifth time when she forbore for weakness, and attributed her patience to.

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这一次是我容忍了软弱,而把我的忍受却称之为坚强。This time when I forbore for weakness, and attributed my patience to strength.

第五次是她容忍了软弱,而且把这种忍受当作坚强的时候。The fifth time when she forbore for weakness, and attributed her patience to strength.

她那精明的母亲也有同感,因此并没有请他坐到她自己身边去。Her prudent mother, occupied by the same ideas, forbore to invite him to sit by herself.

珍妮看到预料中的最可怕的事情出现,几乎忍不住大声惊呼。Jeanie scarce forbore to scream aloud at what seemed the realization of the most frightful of her anticipation.

但事实上,据称奥巴马讲稿的每一个词都经过中东顾问的精雕细琢,奥巴马并没有挑明。But the fact is that Mr Obama, whose every word was reportedly sweated over and fought over by his many Middle East advisers, forbore to spell them out.