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用遥控装置引爆炸弹。A remote control device was used to detonate the bomb.

警察在他引爆身上的炸药前开枪将他击毙。Police killed him before he could detonate his explosives.

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但如果你拒绝参与游戏,你的手臂和腿带将引爆。For if you don't, the straps on your arms and legs will detonate.

碎石瓦砾中,钟小娴等人找不到导火索,无法引爆。The rubble, Zhong Xiaoxian etc. People cant find the fuse, unable to detonate.

美国政府最初宣称他在执行一项基地组织的任务,在美国某城市引爆一枚放射形脏弹。U. S. authorities initially claimed he was on an al Qaeda mission to detonate a.

但扎卡维没有想到的是,这名女子未能成功引爆身上的炸弹。But what Zarqawi did not know was that the woman had failed to detonate her bomb.

浇铸阿马托比浇铸梯恩梯较易爆炸。Amatols in the form of cast charges detonate more readily than TNT in the same form.

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如果他们知道了,他们可能计划埋伏好袭击你,或者绑架你,或者在你的车子底下引爆一颗IED。If they know, they can plan an ambush or a kidnapping or detonate an IED under your car.

然而首领却突然被同伙杀死,并被盗取了引爆密码。However chieftain is killed suddenly however by partner, and by purloin detonate a password.

由于需要加热金属到很高温度,有时候在来不及拆除的时候就被引爆了。Because the metal is so hot, it can sometimes detonate the explosive instead of disarming it.

法院文件称,沙扎德已经承认试图引爆时代广场的汽车炸弹。Court documents said Mr. Shahzad had admitted trying to detonate the car bomb in Times Square.

炸死你这鸡!让我引爆这炸弹让你跟你最心爱的偶像图帕克见面!Blast bitch i'mma detonate the bomb let it go off and meet your idol aint you the big fan of 2pac! ?

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但是对伊朗的核项目的担忧仅仅是随时可能引发战争的导火线之一。But fear of Iran’s nuclear programme is only one of the fuses that could detonate an explosion at any moment.

导弹相继以几秒之差到达程序目标起爆。附近的一切都是一个无可挽救的东西。They reach their programmed positions within a few seconds of each other and detonate. Anything nearby is a goner.

当英雄使用了无敌药水后,小精灵爆炸技能将不再能抽取他的法力。Wisps Detonate ability will no longer drain mana from Heroes while under the effects of Potion of Invulnerability.

第二个威胁警告说在空军一队准备离开的时候一枚炸弹将在爱尔兰南部的仙农机场爆炸。The second warned a bomb at Shannon Airport, in southwest Ireland, would detonate as Air Force One was about to depart.

美军表示,在七月,总共发现2,625枚被引爆或引爆前被发现的炸弹。The US military says in the month of July, a total of 2,625 bombs exploded or were discovered before they could detonate.

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负责监视芬顿的几名FBI特工在他两次尝试用手机引爆炸药失败之后逮捕了他。FBI agents, who had him under surveillance, arrested him after he had twice tried to detonate the bomb with his mobile phone.

二硝基重氮酚会引爆,如果是受到大幅冲击,但它只会烧伤迅速点燃,如果是在公开,甚至几克。DDNP will detonate if it is struck by a sharp blow , but it will only burn rapidly if ignited in the open, even several grams.

夹在丈夫、婆婆与心心之间,艾青的压力如同不定时炸弹般,随时会引爆。Place between the husband, mother-in-law and heart heart, ai Qing's pressure as the bomb when adventitious kind, can detonate at any time.