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但我卷起来浸泡帆。But I furl the soak sails.

妈妈边说边卷起裤脚。Mom say while furl trouser.

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这把扇子摺不上了。This fan doesn't furl neatly.

我每三年休假一次。I have a furl ough every three years.

我像妈妈一样卷起裤脚,卷起袖子下水了。I like mother like trouser, furl sleeves rolled up water.

车上装着一些普通爆炸物的混合物,例如烟花,带子和肥料。It was loaded with a crude concoction of ordinary items like fireworks, furl and fertilizer.

年轻人光着脚丫,卷起裤腿,哼着轻快的小曲,踩着青青的阡陌款款而去。Young people barefoot, furl trouser legs, humming a ditty, stepping on the sections to green.

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到了一天将尽时,士兵们降下旗,小心翼翼地收卷起来,以备第二天早晨用。The end of the day the soldiers take down the flag and furl it carefully ready for the next morning.

盘带机是纺织织带成品分卷设备,需要使用到收放卷控制。Twine coil machine is a divided coil equipment of textile twine product, need to use the control of furl and expand.

对于脸型比较瘦削的女性,在前额的头发就不用全部卷曲,只需发尾轻轻卷起即可。To face gaunter female, the hair of advanced forehead need not all and curly, need to send end to furl gently only can.

复合亚铁是通过氧化还原、吸附电中和及卷扫三种作用机理起混凝作用的。The compound ferrous removes colloid particles in water by charge oxidation-reduction, neutralization and furl mechanism.

此时油泵仍然运转打循环,直至油温达45℃左右,系统在投入正常燃烧。At the moment fuel pump continue to work and make furl oil circulate till its temperature is up to 45℃ and system burns normally.

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该全自动伸缩式汽车遮阳伞能自动伸出打开、收拢收缩,操作方便。The full-automatic telescopic type automobile beach umbrella can automatically protrude and open, furl and contract and is convenient to be operated.

通过Furl可以方便的储存、做笔记、分享你储存的连接、或浏览最热门的书签,来找到最新的或有意思的内容。Furl allows you to easily save, take notes on and share the links you've stored, or browse others' most popular bookmarks to find new and interesting things.

想一想当船在疯狂似地左右摇晃、前后颠簸的时候,船员们却往桅杆高处攀登,相互竞争谁先爬到帆桁上去卷收结冰的船帆吧!What a clambering aloft of men, vying with each other who shall lie out first upon the yards to furl the icy sails, while the ship rolls and pitches, like mad!