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这个发现出自本月的小儿科日报。The findings appear this month in the Joual journal Pediatrics.

研究结果发表在这个月的小儿科杂志上。The study was published in this month’s issue of the journal Pediatrics.

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研究结果显示在七月份的青少儿医学档案库里。The results appear in July's Archives of Pediatrics &Adolescent Medicine.

这与美国儿科学会所建议的是一致的。That's consistent with what the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends.

他在内科、外科、妇科、小儿科方面都很精通。He was proficient in internal medicine, surgery, gynecology and pediatrics.

然后将研究结果与另一组来自传统家庭的同龄孩子进行比较。Results of Gartrell's study will be published in the July issue of Pediatrics.

美国儿科学会力荐婴儿在一岁以前都应该进行母乳喂养。The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breast-feeding through the first year.

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一大早我就到了医院,给小孩们做体格检查——我正在儿科轮转。My day started out early at the hospital, examining kiddies for my pediatrics rotation.

今年伊始,小儿科杂志刊登了另一篇关于能量饮料的研究报告。Earlier this year, Pediatrics published another review of the literature on energy drinks.

芝加哥大学的科马儿童医院的儿科教授兼研究员的大卫.格扎尔博士说道。David Gozal, chair of pediatrics at Comer Children's Hospital at the University of Chicago.

Feig博士说,他是休斯敦Baylor医学院的一名儿科副教授。Feig, MD, PhD, associate professor of pediatrics at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

目的探讨数字化X线成像在儿科的临床应用价值。Objective To investigate the applied values of digitized X-ray imaging technique in pediatrics.

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这就是医学院的学生们一入学便立即开始寻求某种专长,如正骨术或儿科学的原因。That is why medical doctors immediately begin to seek a specialty such as orthopedics or pediatrics.

研究项目的负责人、加州大学旧金山分校儿科学的助理教授克里斯汀.马德森说。Kristine Madsen, an assistant professor of pediatrics at the University of California, San Francisco.

并且,在一月份,和平医生将在厄立特里亚开设儿科和普通外科的学习班。And, in January, Physicians for Peace will launch a class in pediatrics and general surgery in Eritrea.

他们在接受妇产科护理,大众医疗,内科医学,紧急医学,甚至小儿科的训练。They’re training in OB-GYN, in family practice, internal medicine, emergency medicine, even pediatrics.

朱迪思的美国儿科学会帕尔弗里说,超重儿童有许多健康问题。Judith Palfrey of the American Academy of Pediatrics says overweight children have many health problems.

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位于西班牙帕洛斯市西南儿科医院的戴斯·汉潘德说,这一现象正诠释了偏执狂的激增。Des hpande, of Southwest Pediatrics in Palos Park, says what this practice does best is increase paranoia.

但是他们也指出美国儿科学会不推荐对于新生儿常规行包皮环切术。But they noted that the American Academy of Pediatrics does not recommend routine circumcision for newborns.

他补充说,通过进一步的研究表明,色环也许在从儿科到外科手术领域都能应用。And, he said, with additional research, the wheel could be used in medical fields from pediatrics to surgery.