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格拉芙对体育天生的热爱使她显得与其他网球运动员不同。Graf's natural athleticism set her apart from other tennis players.

他可以在任何人的头上扣篮,因为他的臂长和他的运动的热情。He could dunk it over anyone because of his length and his athleticism.

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和同等身材的球员比,史密斯的敏捷性和运动力都很好。Unlike many players with his dimensions, Smith has nice agility and athleticism.

如此说来说美丽也可以像运动能力或者高净值一样成为交易的东西。So beauty, like athleticism or a high net worth, simply becomes something to be traded.

窗格纹会增亮形体且给裁剪带上一点大方的运动精神。The windowpane lightens the profile and adds a dash of sporting athleticism to the cut.

一个本华莱士类型的球员,在他的比赛里也许还有那么点崇尚运动的热情以及进攻的能力。A taller Ben Wallace-type player, with perhaps a bit more athleticism , and offense to his game.

他们的在巅峰状态是实际的机巧一个完美的包裹,人类的运动竞赛的一个祭日展览。Theirs is a perfect package of physical dexterity, a gala display of human athleticism at its best.

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他为我们展现了他的运动精神还有无限的活力。He showed his blend of athleticism and power were simply too much for opposing forwards to deal with.

总体而言,阿克哈-特克应该给人以轻盈的运动天赋没有过多的肌肉的印象。Overall, the Akhal-Teke should give the impression of lithe athleticism without excessive musculature.

总之,刺激我们政治文化的超强度竞争神经症对运动竞赛同样有益。In short, the hypercompetitive neurosis that fuels our political culture has been good for athleticism.

所有以上的这些大个子,他们之所以能有成功的赛季都源于他们的身高优势和超级运动天赋。All of those big men were able to have successful seasons due to their size advantage and super athleticism.

这件大胆而充满现代气息的“划桨女孩”是园区最引人注目的景观,也是一件向美以及前苏联的体育精神致敬的艺术品。His daringly modern 'Girl With an Oar' became the park's centerpiece, a tribute to beauty and Soviet athleticism.

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这对姊妹拥有令其他选手都难以望其项背的巨大力量和对体育运动的极度热爱。What both sisters possess to a degree unapproachable by their colleagues is immense power and glorious athleticism.

这对姊妹拥有令其他选手都难以望其项背的巨大力量和对体育运动的极度热爱。What both sisters possess to a degree unapproachable by their colleagues is immense power and glorious13 athleticism.

他没有把眼光投向其他球队,但骑士对他的身高和运动能力很感兴趣。He didn't put up eye-popping numbers with either club, but the Cavaliers were intrigued by his length and athleticism.

这就意味着你的运动技能有所提高,所以你会在体育活动中有更完美的表现,同时也会玩得更开心。This means that your athleticism will improve, so you’ll perform better in physical activities and also enjoy them more.

他会利用他的长度来给对手带去压力,他还能和帕克还有吉诺比利一起快下,完成半场的快攻组合。He'll also use his athleticism to get out and run with Parker and Ginobili on the break and as a slasher in the half court.

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没有营养师的帮助和每周的个人训练计划,鹿是怎样它们良好的运动健将般身材的。How do deer maintain their trim figures and impressive athleticism without a dietitian and weekly personal training sessions?

别把我弄糊涂了,力量举需要很多的技术,我刚才说的意思是举重是更热门的竞技运动。Don't get me wrong, powerlifting takes allot of skill, I'm just saying that there is more athleticism involved in weightlifting.

内维尔是本场比赛曼联电视的联合评论员,他称赞了青年队的技术水平和意志品质。Neville, co-commentating on the match for MUTV , was pleased with the skill, athleticism and application of the youth team trio.