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皮下水肿则使皮肤显得苍白。Hypodermic oedema makes the skin appears cadaverous.

她熟练地把注射针插入我的静脉里。She expertly slid the hypodermic needle into my vein.

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他抓过皮下注射器,把它刺入皮肤。He snatched up the hypodermic syringe and plunged it in.

不管我们到哪里,都会带着皮下注射的肾上腺素。We always have to carry a hypodermic of adrenalin wherever we go.

当我步行去拍摄时,皮下注射的针头扎进了我的鞋子。Hypodermic needles stuck in my shoes as I walked over to take the photo.

注射用的转移因子是肌肉注射还是皮下注射?Is the move factor that inject uses intramuscular injection or hypodermic?

带有皮下注射器针头进行注射的注射器活塞。A piston syringe that is fitted with a hypodermic needle for giving injections.

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发现有毒品工具,比如烟筒、皮下注射针、卷纸。Owning drug paraphernalia, such as pipes, hypodermic needles, or rolling papers.

这是一家生产多用途皮下注射器的药材公司。This is a medical supplies company that produces disposable hypodermic syringes.

穴位注射黄芪注射液后,皮下注射东莨菪碱造模。After injecting astragalus in the points, prepared model by hypodermic injection of scopolamine.

目的观察皮下注射不同剂量咪达唑仑对小鼠学习记忆功能的影响。Objective To study the effects of midazolam hypodermic injection on learning and memory in mice.

结论腋窝外侧皮下注射疗效显著,疼痛少,长时间注射无红肿、硬节。Conclusions Hypodermic injection in the medial axilla brought about a striking effect and little pain.

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方法连续地塞米松皮下注射大鼠6周诱导建立肺孢子虫肺炎动物模型。Methods PCP rat models were established by hypodermic injection of dexamethasone twice a week for 6 weeks.

一个触发的抗议似乎是一个无法解释的注射器使用刀刺事件。A trigger for the protests appears to have been a spate of unexplained stabbings using hypodermic syringes.

保持皮肤清洁,洗澡时擦洗皮肤不宜过重,以免引起皮下出血。Maintain skin cleanness, the skin is swabbed to should not be overweight when bathing, lest cause hypodermic haemorrhage.

歇洛克·福尔摩斯从壁炉台的角上拿起一瓶药水,再从一只整洁的山羊皮皮匣里取出一只皮下注射器。Sherlock Holmes took his bottle from the corner of the mantelpiece and his hypodermic syringe from its neat morocco case.

用从对虾病料提取的无包埋体对虾病毒人工接种淡水的克氏原螯虾,螯虾发病死亡。After hypodermic inoculation of the Non Occluded Shrimp Virus obtained from diseased prawns , crawfishes suffered and died.

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他全身赤裸,手和脚都被绑住,每只胳膊上都有一支皮下注射器针头,污秽的语言遍布全身。He was naked, bound hand and foot, with a hypodermic needle sticking out of each arm and obscenities written all over his body.

目的选择皮下注射低分子肝素钠的最佳部位,以减少由于皮下注射低分子肝素钠所引起的不良反应。Objective To reduce adverse reactions by way of selecting best hypodermic injection site of low molecular weight heparin sodium.

缺乏皮下脂肪,而在肚脐四周有过多的皮肤和皱纹,使腹部肌肤松弛。Lack is hypodermic and adipose, and in the skin that there have been many all round navel and furrow, make abdominal skin flabby.